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How do I creat my own character and background?

PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 12:10 am
by Sensus
Hah I'm a bit new at this stuff.

If anyone is familiar with the Legacy of Goku and Buu's fury sprites, I would appreciate it if you could tell me how to draw a character to look like those sprites.

If that's not possible which I hope it isn't, please tell me how can I draw my own character regardless if it's sprite or not.


PostPosted: Sun May 20, 2007 7:25 pm
by Jay S.
Basically, you can draw an image in Microsoft Paint (and/or most other paint programs.) Save the image file, then, in Game Editor, right click on your actor and click on "Add Animation." Now you can choose a name for the animation, and once you're done there, click on the "File:" button, then you can browse for your image file you created earlier. :)

To have an animated animation (!), either have multiple image files for each frame of the animation (and select the "Multiple Files" option), or draw each frame in one file in a vertical or horizontal manner. See the files in the Game Editor folder to see what I mean.

I hope that helped.... :P Oh, and welcome to the Game Editor forum!