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Collision in the Air?!? There's NOTHING!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 5:46 pm
by asmodeus
How can this be? The actor collide an Actor which it doesn't collide!!

Re: Collision in the Air?!? There's NOTHING!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:01 pm
by DST
1st, the arial font is missing.

But the collision is, don't ask me how, its the collision with reg_collision that's doing it.

I removed canjump from draw actor, and moved reg_collision away, and it works fine. i can jump around the screen.

Re: Collision in the Air?!? There's NOTHING!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:19 pm
by asmodeus
DST wrote:1st, the arial font is missing.

I've uploaded it with the font now.

DST wrote:I removed canjump from draw actor, and moved reg_collision away, and it works fine. i can jump around the screen.

So you just jump in the air, but you don't walk on the ground, right? I can't need that. I'm working on a game, and there you should can walk on the ground, and you can't jump invinite.
I've got a problem in my game :cry:

Re: Collision in the Air?!? There's NOTHING!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:36 pm
by DST
y don't u just use my demo? Its free.

there's nothing wrong with using what others have made. Why reinvent the wheel?

I noticed what u were doing with the collide.y+height...i've tried that before. It couldn't make it work.

In essence, you are trying to recreate the physical response/collision, but adding your own events instead of the normal ones. There are two problems that i see:
1. you're accessing the xy after the draw, instead of before it, as the built-in collision would. There is no way for us to access the player struct that we would need there. Basically, only makslane can access that.
2. You're using a physical response anyway, so the same problems will occur.

Seriously, this is why i made that platform file. It might be complex, but so is what ur doing.

But do whatever makes you happy :D:D:D

Re: Collision in the Air?!? There's NOTHING!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:39 pm
by asmodeus
DST wrote:y don't u just use my demo? Its free.

there's nothing wrong with using what others have made. Why reinvent the wheel?

I noticed what u were doing with the collide.y+height...i've tried that before. It couldn't make it work.

In essence, you are trying to recreate the physical response/collision, but adding your own events instead of the normal ones. There are two problems that i see:
1. you're accessing the xy after the draw, instead of before it, as the built-in collision would. There is no way for us to access the player struct that we would need there. Basically, only makslane can access that.
2. You're using a physical response anyway, so the same problems will occur.

Seriously, this is why i made that platform file. It might be complex, but so is what ur doing.

But do whatever makes you happy :D:D:D

wait. I will try and check if I can make your demo suitable for my game...

Re: Collision in the Air?!? There's NOTHING!

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:42 pm
by asmodeus
Your demo works with many clone actors but I'd like to work with tiles. I think too many actors would take the game speed down.

Re: Collision in the Air?!? There's NOTHING!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:54 am
by feral
you are colliding with the Act_bgColor tiles

Re: Collision in the Air?!? There's NOTHING!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:10 pm
by asmodeus
feral wrote:you are colliding with the Act_bgColor tiles

:shock: That's actually it! Thank you very much!