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Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:51 pm
by zxcvbnm
No what it means is if we just add another forum without having rules and regulations it will be filled with post after post of stuff not relevent to commercial developers. Makslane made the game demos forum to showcase full games and game development to showcase games that are not complete. But without rules , the game demo section became a dumping ground rather than full games. What I am saying is the forum cannot be filled with unorganized clutter. It must be proffessional and very neat.
If you want an example , just look at my website . I have everything in proper section , games with games, apps with apps , off comments in the off comments section . My website is much more organized because of rules and following them . In closing I do not agree we should make another section , then have it another mess . We all have to be disiplined and only those who can prove to follow the rules should be allowed to enter.
I and Hblade fought for the tutorials section and we made sure it was correct . It makes no sense for Makslane to make another section to have it filled with irrelevent posts. Trust me Makslane will not do it. Unless we come with some clear guidelines on how this new forum is supposed to be run.

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:46 am
by DarkParadox
You're saying people like me can't be professional? Image
Just kidding Image, but, seriously now, when I think about it, here's the guidelines I can think of..

  • To be permitted access, you must either be a competent (shows a degree of professionalism) commercial developer, or a prominent[/well known] member of the forums. (e.g., Bee-Ant, DST)
  • The subject matter of posts will be alike to the Game Demos and Game Development forums as in,
  • W.I.P. posts are to be allowed, but no more than one topic may be created, and on completion the game must be edited into the first post of the topic, and the title changed. ( "[WIP]" tag required at the beginning of topics showcasing games in progress, e.g., "[WIP] Game_Title").
  • W.I.P. games with a Beta for download must have a tag on the topic of: "[BETA]", e.g., "[BETA] Game_Title".

  • Completed games (non-commercial) are to be shown with a screenshot of the menu or game play, and a compressed (.zip) file with a .exe file, a Linux executable, and Mac executable included.
  • Completed games (commercial) are to be shown with a screenshot of the menu or game play, and a link to official page in which the game is showcased (e.g. Momo: Alien Star Catcher )
  • Anything else may be included in the topic (promotion codes, author notes, other screenshots) as long as the required elements and also included.

  • Normal discussion topics may be created, but the topic must be alike to the development of a game or the discussion of an idea for a game.

  • Abuse of the forum (e.g., spamming, cursing, general rule-breaking) will result in the removal of rights to use the forum for a length of time deemed necessary.
  • Flaming is prohibited, though well-written criticism should be welcomed.
  • Games not created with Game-Editor are not to be posted (as completed, WIP, or otherwise), unless in discussion (e.g., "Maybe it would be more like the feature of 'Game_X' ")
  • Posts in a topic should not differ from the main subject, as in if the topic is about a completed game, you should not post about kittens. (Unless the game is about kittens... then that would be awesome)

Thats the best I can come up with... anybody with more to add or things to change for my list?

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:06 am
Its not about how long you've been hear. Commercial game developers need an area where they can talk to other commercial game developers. If the vip area is open to everyone then its not vip, its just another forum everyone has access to! Better yet, please create a iphone commercial vip section, so if you dont have a commercial itunes game, you will not have access. For those complaining about tenure, you need to take a look at yourself if you've been here for years and years and cant produce a commercial game, dont get mad at the commercial developers.

all respect due to: Paradox

anyone else who's mad, so what..

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:12 am
by DarkParadox
Well, that doesn't mean I won't help out with the guidelines either way... I mean, we could still use the guidelines I listed but instead of:
To be permitted access, you must either be a competent (shows a degree of professionalism) commercial developer, or a prominent[/well known] member of the forums. (e.g., Bee-Ant, DST)

It would be:
To be permitted access, you must be a competent (shows a degree of professionalism) commercial developer.


Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 4:30 am
by Chai
Personally, I think GE fourm is still not big enough to seperate to VIP area.
there are 6-20 people goes around this forum only so far.

May be , we can put this topic when we have a vistor 500 people/a day.

I like the idea that put a password in .ged as a zip file.
Then, if anyone wants to try and you can trust , just email for a password.
Then, you can keep track and email to them asking for a feedback.

I think, VIP area doesn't help the leaking information problem.

Besides, I think, it's a good idea to show a new member that
GE can make a good commercial game.

Moreover, Bee-ant is right,
Akr, DarkParadox, DST, lcl, Hblade, DynamicDynasty, Camper1995, Turon,
They are extraordinary.
They can make a better game than mine.
They just don't want to go to commercial. They just want to help.

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:04 am
by akr
Sometimes I thought about having a closed room for discussing new features for GE.
I would be ver interrested to discuss things like new engines with the inner circle described here.

Makslane didnt want to setup a vip area when I talked to him. I am thinking about setting
up one on my (ge engine) website.

btw. thanks for the flowers chai! I will never be able to create better looking games than u! :)

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Sun Dec 05, 2010 7:11 pm
by NightOfHorror
Seems like I won't be mentioned until I somehow get magical spriting powers, TTM is not attractive with its sprites.
Just wish I meant requirements for this. :P
(won't happen, all I have is one game with eight levels completed._.)