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Energy Beam

PostPosted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:42 pm
by TheIllusionist
I'm making a dragonball z type game and when the character does an energy beam attack, i want it to start with a large ergy ball, and have a part that extends all the way until it collides with either that edge of the screen or an opponent, ending with a nother large ball. here are images of the sprites im using to clear up any confusion :mrgreen:
i'm using the parts in between the two large balls as the connector

Re: Energy Beam

PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:25 pm
by speckford123
April 25? Does nobody reply to peoples concerns here? :lol:
If you havn't figured it out by now, you could have a ball created with an xvelocityforward or back depending on which direction your facing and after a frame or 2 it could switch to a beam then on collision it stops moving and turns back into a ball?

well, i g2g, so i can't finish my explaination..... :?