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Re: UPDATED FEB 23 Eternal Legacy v1.03 IS HERE!!!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 3:01 am
by Bee-Ant
But Mojo, I think you need to refix the player graphics...add more shadow as cool as you can :D

Re: UPDATED FEB 23 Eternal Legacy v1.03 IS HERE!!!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:19 pm
by stevenp
for the past week iv spent many many many hours carefully re evaluating all of the values of every skill in the game

the changes that are most ovious are, ( this will all be listed in the text file next update)

-mana now recharges 50% slower, all skills cost 25% to 50% less mana
- mage movement speed reduced by 50%
- eyeball speed reduced by 50%
- lich has 2 new spells ( invisible and barrier )
- lich now has an animation and sounds when casting "special" spells like barrier

- 1 new skill ( seizure ) lich's barrier takes 3 seconds to cast, if you give him a seizure in that time, he stops casting the spell

the values and efects of mostly every skill have changed and there are too many to list here but heres a few examples

- barrier / glacier now makes you imune to all enemy projectiles, at the cost of 1 ether per second, and 3 ether every time your barrier gets hit

- ultimate is now truly the ultimate skill - you have every passive ablilty, evoker, intuition, demon stride, ect ect and a mana recharge rate of +700%
and also theres a new special little cool bonus when you use it ;)

all of the changes are to make the game more balenced, ensuring that every skill and enemy is not over or underpowered

Re: UPDATED FEB 23 Eternal Legacy v1.03 IS HERE!!!

PostPosted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 1:33 pm
by stevenp
Bee-Ant wrote:But Mojo, I think you need to refix the player graphics...add more shadow as cool as you can :D

quality and content are my biggest priority in this game, audio and visuals are just to support the content aspect of the game

adding too many or too complexed visuals can
- reduce frame rate
- increase size of the file past 10 MB
- increase development time needed to finish the game

Re: UPDATED FEB 23 Eternal Legacy v1.03 IS HERE!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 6:14 am
by Bee-Ant
mojo domo wrote:quality and content are my biggest priority in this game, audio and visuals are just to support the content aspect of the game

adding too many or too complexed visuals can
- reduce frame rate
- increase size of the file past 10 MB
- increase development time needed to finish the game

You're missunderstood...I meant the player's sprites..there's no shadding system in his body... :roll:

Re: UPDATED FEB 23 Eternal Legacy v1.03 IS HERE!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:00 pm
by stevenp
true, but i dont mind :)

Re: UPDATED FEB 23 Eternal Legacy v1.03 IS HERE!!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 1:08 pm
by Bee-Ant
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: UPDATED FEB 23 Eternal Legacy v1.03 IS HERE!!!

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 12:25 am
by Game A Gogo
that's because the sprite comes from a game from the NES, the NES only have 3 colors per sprite/tiles. (Well, 4 if you count the transparent)

Re: v1.04 Eternal Legacy IS HERE!! updated march 4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:30 am
by stevenp
v 1.04 is here check the first post on page 1

Re: v1.04 Eternal Legacy IS HERE!! updated march 4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:03 pm
by pyrometal
This keeps getting better in terms of add-ons, but I think that having decreased the players speed wasn't such a good idea because I can't dodge any attack anymore. I still can't beat lich... Maybe I just don't have the skill for this type of game. Anyway, good work mojo!

Re: v1.04 Eternal Legacy IS HERE!! updated march 4

PostPosted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:42 pm
by stevenp
pyrometal wrote: decreased the players speed wasn't such a good idea because I can't dodge any attack anymore. Anyway, good work mojo!

what do you mean by dodge? you mean using the skill dodge? or just walking out of the way?

the baest way to avoid getting hit it is,

stay away from lich, OR use your barrier skill

yes i know the reduction in character speed may come as a shock to most of you and many of you may not like it, BUT

by doing this, it gives players more time to react to everything, the arenas dont need to be very big because you walk slow,
also it makes the skill demon stride and dodge more usefull,

trust me every change was made to make the game more balenced, i may consider reducing the character speed to only 25% instead of 50% even i noticed it was a bit drastic lol, but thats why i need your opinions

anyway thanks for telling me :D

Re: v1.04 Eternal Legacy IS HERE!! updated march 4

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 3:28 pm
by stevenp
pyrometal wrote:This keeps getting better in terms of add-ons,

thanks well i have OFFICIALY started creating the 2nd playable character for this game i already have the sprites, and the skills ready,

the 2nd character will be an AMAZON type ( assassin/warrior hybrid)

"HER" play syle will involve many calculated and conditional risks, but she will able to inflict much more DPS to any single target

Re: v1.05 Eternal Legacy IS HERE!!! update march 21

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:29 pm
by stevenp
v1.05 is here, check the first page's first post for details, and the download

Re: v1.05 Eternal Legacy IS HERE!!! updated march 21

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:45 pm
by pyrometal
Nice work mojo! I still can't beat lich though... lol. Personally I prefer this skill level up system a lot more than the previous. Keep it up! It's improving continuously! Have a good one

-- Pyro

Re: v1.05 Eternal Legacy IS HERE!!! updated march 21

PostPosted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:48 pm
by stevenp
why cant you beat lich???

can you explain in detail please?

what skills did you pick?

Re: v1.05 Eternal Legacy IS HERE!!! updated march 21

PostPosted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:08 am
by pyrometal
Well, the main reason is really that I can't dodge most of the fireballs because I move to slow! Maybe its also the fact that the controls are very numerous for all the spells we get, and that makes it very hard to pick the right one at the right time, and actually using them properly. I like to fully upgrade the 3 bottom spells, get that fire walk move (because it makes me move a lot faster), and especially the disk because it does a lot of damage and is very fast and doesn't miss unless you aren't aiming at all. But its all really because of unfamiarity with the controls (since we didn't create the game and there are so many to remember) and the slowness of the character that most of us haven't beaten lich yet.

That's all I have to say really... I hope that was somewhat helpful!

ttyl! --Pyro