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PostPosted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 4:48 pm
by JayInACob
I need to get one actor to follow another without using parent as it causes the childs z depth to be above the parents.
i used
y = Player.y;
x = Player.x;

but the child keeps moving slower than it, even when i told it to have the same directional_velocity as its parent.

Edit: just fixed it with yscreen = Player.yscreen;. Sorry for mucking up the forum menu :D
However, is it possible to get parent and child actors to have independant z depths, as i have had similar problems which require a lot of crazy codes to sort out, and would be made much easier if they were independant

Re: HELP!!!!!!!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:48 am
by Bee-Ant
It's weird...That code should worked... :roll: