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Animation and Tile Questions

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:46 pm
by pxm4
Hi all, I'm having a couple of issues that I probably don't have enough experience with the engine to answer for myself:

1) I have an animated character - running made up of 7 png images. In the designer the character looks great. However when in game mode when I press the left or right arrows the animation gets jerky and speeds up. I used the changeanimation function in the left and right arrow events.

2) I'm creating a level where the character can run on the roofs and jump down to the ground. I've noticed that when the character runs into another object if I hold the key down he slowly lowers below the ground level and then runs under the building - great if he was a gopher but not in this game! So what is the best method for something like this? A ground actor that represents the earth, backgound that contains the building features and a tile for the roofs? Or is an activation region suppose to keep the character from digging under a building?

Any help is appreciated. I've looked at other game engines and I really like the wysiwyg interface. Thanks!

Re: Animation and Tile Questions

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:49 pm
by Hblade
As for the character, this is because your character is missplaced, use a program like tile studio to do your characters. Example:
-----32x48 image size--------
------Image 2------------------

See how the first [] was in a different location then the second []? Its the same with characters, make sure your characters are in the very center of the image :D

Re: Animation and Tile Questions

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:43 pm
by pxm4
Ah.. I didn't think about that. I thought that I had them all centered but I bet one or two may be off. I started with 2 images part of a 8 image series. As I created them I added them to the animation. This is why it looked great with 2 then freaked out after I added the others. I'll check out the tile studio tonight - see if it fixes the issue. Thanks for the help. Just need to figure out the other issue now so I can move on to more game components. Thanks again!

Re: Animation and Tile Questions

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:51 pm
by Hblade
Your welcome :D A way to find these errors, is to click on Edit, after youi have your animation, then slowly drag the frame, if you see it missplaced, edit that iimage :D

Re: Animation and Tile Questions

PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 6:00 pm
by 4erv'
pxm4 wrote:1) I have an animated character - running made up of 7 png images. In the designer the character looks great. However when in game mode when I press the left or right arrows the animation gets jerky and speeds up. I used the changeanimation function in the left and right arrow events.

Check if the "Repeat" function is disabled in Your Key Down Event.