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iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:37 am
by Chai
Dear Every one in Game-editor.

First of all, English is not my first language so I will try my best to write the way to do Game-Editor app port to iOS6 [iPod5, iPhone5].
If you want to make game for iOS. Please get MAC and iOS device for real.
And testing your game on the real Device before release on App store.

!!! not everything will work on IOS device same as run on the desktop !!!

Before we start to do it we need to understand the screen resolution between Game-Editor and iPhone5. [At this stage I use iPhone5 represent the iOS device]

Compare iphone resolution
iPhone1 resolution is 480 * 320 pixels in Game-editor screen is 480*320 pixels
iPhone4 resolution is 960 * 640 pixels in Game-editor screen is 480*320 pixels

What about on iPhone 5 screen resolution for Game-editor?
If you compare with iPhone4 the screen of iPhone5 is a bit longer.
iPhone5 resolution is 1136 * 640 pixels in Game-editor screen is 568*320 pixels

So If you want to make game for iPhone5 you need to following this screen resolution
Horizontal screen resolution 320 * 568 Pixels
Vertical screen resolution 568 * 320 Pixels

If you still not quite sure. Is it really used? Are you talk nonsense? Have you ever try before?

Please check out
iSBS - I Space Battle Ship for iOS6
Q: Why we can't use the iPhone 5 screen resolution 1136 * 640 for Game-editor.
A: Because, Game-Editor use 480 * 320 [iPhone1] as the base so when you export the ratio of screen still in the same as iPhone1
if you us iPhone 5 screen resolution 1136 * 640 when run on iPhone5. your game will run out of the screen

Now Let;s start

Tools I used.
1. Game-Editor 1.4
2. Xcode 4.6.3 [On mac]
3. GeApp form
4. iPod 5 - iOS6
5. OSX mountain lion

I will start with the Game-Editor first [I use PC in this process]
How do we set the screen in the Game-Editor?
In the Game-Editor
1. Goto Config > Game Properties
2. In Game resolution set screen as 320 * 568 pixels
3. Press Ok

Then you will have a game screen resolution on Game-editor for iPhone5.
After this point, it is depend on you. How you gonna created your game?

After you finished your game or want to test your game on iOS device.
1. Go to File > Export
2. Select Export Type: to Game Data only (iPhone)
3. Press export.

Then Copy that file to your USB drive before we continue on MAC
It is time to get Mac and iOS device for real


After you COPY your "game.dat" file to your Thumb drive.
Before you going on MAC you need to have another File call " "
You can Download it on
Downloads > iPhones > geapp 1.4 xcode 4
Thank you, Aka for created this GEapp** Without him I will not have my games on App store.
Thank you, Makslane to created this amazing game engine I have ever used.

However, That GEapp is the old version. So it will not support on iPhone5 and iPod5
You need to download my edition via the link below

However Don't forget about this. Do not release junk game.
!!! More Junk game release, Worst game engine feedback will get. !!!

I will Continue later, Because I need to go back home to get my Mac. However, I will update this topic as soon as I can.
edit on 2013 09 17 CHAI

Let's continue
1. Now you need to get on your MAC
2. Open the Xcode file in GEapp-chai folder > geapp > GST.xcodeproj
When you open the Xcode. You need to copy your " game.dat " in to the Resources Folder on the left hand side.
In this case I copy the test file in to the folder already
note - you need to change your project name to match with your game name such as "Game.dat" your project name need to be "Game"

3. in the SUMMARY please put developer account Such as " com.maycompanyname.gamename "

4. at the BUILD SETTING on the Code signing identity section select to " iPhone developer "
if you want to publish your game you need to select as " iPhone Distribution"

5. Deployment > Target Device Family please select to " iPhone " [sell on iPhone and iPod only]

6. Now on you can press "RUN" [on the top left] for run app on your IOS devices

This is all my setting on Xcode
Connect yout iDevice to your MAC before RUN the app though Xcode.
If not you can't test your app. You can't test it via the device simulator.


Edit 2013 11 06
in case you still can't do it try to clear your project first. by
After you clean it. Please try to created it and it should be work at this time.

If you want to Distribute your game on app store.
Please prepare your icon images like this. (name should be the same also)

Now you can see the screen test on your iPhone5 or iPod5. Then you can compile and publish your app on the app store

Thank you for waiting and reading.
Wish you all will created an amazing by Game-Editor and publish on the AppStore.
GE power will be with you.

2013 09 21

!!Announce!! 2014 04 08
I didn't make any game for a year and I haven't had a chance to try GE on the IOS7.
I don't have any ideas how to make GE work on IOS7 with Xcode 5.
So I can't help you, Even I want to.


Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 17, 2013 2:12 am
Well you have me very interested. I have that part done now the Xcode part is the place I get stuck in.

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:24 pm
"However, That GEapp is the old version. So it will not support on iPhone5 and iPod5
You need to download my edition via this Link"

What link are you talking about? I don't see one under it. :(

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:02 am
by Behdadsoft
you should first login to site and go to download section, then download xcode project. :D

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 7:08 am
Behdadsoft wrote:you should first login to site and go to download section, then download xcode project. :D

I thought that was the old Xcode project that did not support the iPhone 5. Chai says he has a edited version that he has that does support it. I have the old one from the site and I test on my iPad and old iPod.

Chai do you have a link to the one you use that will work with iPhone 5?

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 19, 2013 10:05 am
by Chai
I have the version of geapp for iphone 5 but I need to get my MAC first because the file is not in my PC at this time. So I will up load them on the weekend. as I said on the last part "I will Continue later, Because I need to go back home to get my Mac."

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 20, 2013 9:18 am
by Behdadsoft
with this xcode project in can I export my game for iPhone 3G and 4?

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:53 am
by Chai
Behdadsoft wrote:with this xcode project in can I export my game for iPhone 3G and 4?

Yes, You can use the Xcode project in for export game to iPhone3G and 4 even 4S you also can.

My new Xcode project [GEAPP] support only iPhone 5 screen resolution.
[I will upload on this weekend.]

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:55 am
So if I have my old geapp in one folder and your new one in only her folder will I still be able to make iPad apps in the old geapp and iPhone 5 apps with your geapp?

I still need to update my iPad apps and from what you posted you can't do iPad apps with your geapp.

Thank you!

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 12:50 pm
by Behdadsoft
Yes, You can use the Xcode project in for export game to iPhone3G and 4 even 4S you also can.

My new Xcode project [GEAPP] support only iPhone 5 screen resolution.
[I will upload on this weekend.]

Thanks Chai :D

for all iPhone ver (3,3G, 4, 4S, 5, 5S) can I use 320 * 568 pixels in Game-editor?

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 1:55 pm
by Chai
After I test.
You can use 320 * 568 pixels in Game-editor for iPhone 4. However if you play your app on the iPhone4, your game will get cut on Top or bottom of screen out around 88 pixels out. So if you want to make the game for iPhone 4. I suggest you need to go with 320 * 480 is better.

I don't understand your question.

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 5:22 pm
by Behdadsoft
After I test.
You can use 320 * 568 pixels in Game-editor for iPhone 4. However if you play your app on the iPhone4, your game will get cut on Top or bottom of screen out around 88 pixels out. So if you want to make the game for iPhone 4. I suggest you need to go with 320 * 480 is better.

can you Explanation me what is 640×960 pixel for iPhone 4? why should use 320 * 480 pixel ?
for iPhone 3G should use 320 * 480 pixel ?

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2013 7:44 pm
Chai wrote:
I don't understand your question.

My question is can I use the old geapp and your geapp on xcode?

Example is if I want to make iPad apps can I use the old geapp or if I use your geapp will it overwrite the old geapp?

I need to use the old geapp for iPad apps and the new geapp you made for iPhone apps.

Will I have a problem trying to do this?

I want to use both geapps on the Xcode but I am not sure if one will overwrite the other.

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 1:05 am
by Chai
Behdadsoft wrote:can you Explanation me what is 640×960 pixel for iPhone 4? why should use 320 * 480 pixel ? for iPhone 3G should use 320 * 480 pixel ?
Because, Game-Editor use screen 480 * 320 [iPhone1] as the base for IOS devuce so when you export the screen ratio still as iPhone1 screen
if you us iPhone 4 screen resolution 640 * 960 when run on iPhone4. Your game will run out of the screen because it can show only 320 * 480 pixels

Moreover, GE didn't support too big image on iOS device. It will make your game too lack on the iOS device.

REDNSX wrote:My question is can I use the old geapp and your geapp on xcode? Example is if I want to make iPad apps can I use the old geapp or if I use your geapp will it overwrite the old geapp? I need to use the old geapp for iPad apps and the new geapp you made for iPhone apps. Will I have a problem trying to do this? I want to use both geapps on the Xcode but I am not sure if one will overwrite the other.

I need to tell you first. My GEapp is not support for iPad. and I never try the old GEapp with the new Xcode for iPad so I don't know it can use for iPad or not.For the Answer, you can use both of GEapp but you can't combine or use them in the Xcode at the same time. It is a Project file. for another why don't you try on the Xcode and tell use how it work?

Re: iPhone 5 setting resolution for iOS device.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 6:59 pm
Chai I have a question about the Mac OS.

What OS are you using on your Mac. I see people post they have Lion and other say they have Mountain Lion.