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Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:43 pm
by knucklecrunchgames
Hi guys. I want to make a cheap minigame for steam and I was kind of hoping I could use GE to program it, but would GE need any special functions (I'm guessing mainly the screen size change.)

Thanks :)

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:50 pm
by sonicforvergame
Don't make a Cheap Minigame for steam. Make a Good mini game . If you can put a game made with GE on steam i dont think it would be good to make it "cheap" since it will most probebly be unnapealing to Steam users and will think that GE isint a good gaming tool.
If you want to put a game on steam with GE, Do it, heck it might be good publivity for GE but at least show us what the game will be so we can judge if it is worth putting on steam.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 8:29 pm
by bat78
sonicforvergame wrote:Don't make a Cheap Minigame for steam. Make a Good mini game . If you can put a game made with GE on steam i dont think it would be good to make it "cheap" since it will most probebly be unnapealing to Steam users and will think that GE isint a good gaming tool.
If you want to put a game on steam with GE, Do it, heck it might be good publivity for GE but at least show us what the game will be so we can judge if it is worth putting on steam.

exactly that kind of comments I think worth my positives.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:41 am
by knucklecrunchgames

by cheap, I meant price wise, not quality, and secondly, I don't need anyones approval wether I put a game on steam. That's like asking the world can I upload a video youtube.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 10:20 am
by bat78
knucklecrunchgames wrote:@sonic

by cheap, I meant price wise, not quality, and secondly, I don't need anyones approval wether I put a game on steam. That's like asking the world can I upload a video youtube.

Exactly that kind of comments deserves me being what I've became.

He never said "You can't put it unless we approve it" this is your assumption and I wouldn't even say it is a mature assumption. Moreover he only attempted to protect YOUR interests... .. and it is nothing like asking the world can you upload a video youtube.
Also if the game is made in gE.. it makes much more sense to primary upload it in here as it is dependent to gE and the community respectively...
and as such, we can make it a good rating so then you can decide whether to put it or not. If the game isn't good enough.. you will be the one to regret.
Not only this but you will also kinda embarrass gE, only because you act on your own and don't listen to the majority of us.
So once again, it is not about "approval" it is about common help, advices and a god damn consideration.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 2:01 pm
by knucklecrunchgames
bat78 wrote:
knucklecrunchgames wrote:@sonic

by cheap, I meant price wise, not quality, and secondly, I don't need anyones approval wether I put a game on steam. That's like asking the world can I upload a video youtube.

Exactly that kind of comments deserves me being what I've became.

He never said "You can't put it unless we approve it" this is your assumption and I wouldn't even say it is a mature assumption. Moreover he only attempted to protect YOUR interests... .. and it is nothing like asking the world can you upload a video youtube.
Also if the game is made in gE.. it makes much more sense to primary upload it in here as it is dependent to gE and the community respectively...
and as such, we can make it a good rating so then you can decide whether to put it or not. If the game isn't good enough.. you will be the one to regret.
Not only this but you will also kinda embarrass gE, only because you act on your own and don't listen to the majority of us.
So once again, it is not about "approval" it is about common help, advices and a god damn consideration.

Sorry sonic, I misread what you written, I've been up all night working and I was very tired when I had a chance to reply.


bat78 wrote:Exactly that kind of comments deserves me being what I've became.

Look bat, you need to accept all kinds of comments, it's not like everyone is going to write a big block of text about your product on how good it is.

bat78 wrote:Not only this but you will also kinda embarrass gE, only because you act on your own and don't listen to the majority of us.

Wait what?

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:28 pm
by bat78
I'm saying.. that we are community for a reason.
Community means sharing, communication and help. Shortened to "SCH" >>
We are of one kind here, with common interest(s) so we shall support each other. Our support could be shown with "cheerleading" and flattery or criticizing and negativity.
Therefore, if you are willing to post a Game-Editor-built game in something as big and intolerant as Steam.. it would be kcg-wise to at least allow community to cast opinion of will it worth. I promise to protect the honesty.
If your game happens to be bad.. everyone would be against it, only because it will give a bad name to gE. Honestly I am even ready to help you out instead, for the entire game in such case.

Of course, the other solution to such case is to simply not mention Game-Editor anywhere at all.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:34 pm
by Zivouhr
Knucklecrunchgames, what kind of affordable game are you looking to create with Steam in mind?
Doesn't steam require the game to incorporate a steam key of some kind, coded into the game? I wonder if Steam gives instructions on how that's done?
Also, I'm pretty sure the first step is to pay $100 for a game to be eligible for Greenlight, and if it gets enough votes or attention, then the game moves ahead to approval for sale on Steam, but before that, it's just a demo in progress more or less.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I only briefly glanced at Steam a couple years back to see what it was all about and things may have changed.

Best success with your games.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 6:50 pm
by speckford123
Yeah, Ziv is right, you can't just upload a game to steam, it has to be greelit
copy paste from steam below

"What do I need in order to submit my game?
You'll need a valid and non-limited Steam account (yes, that means you'll need to own a game on Steam). Then you'll need to fill out the submission form, including some information about you and your game. There's also a one-time $100 submission fee per Steam account. The submission will require:

A square branding image (similar to a box cover) to represent your game in lists and search
At least 1 video showing gameplay of your game
At least 4 screenshots or images
A written description of the game along with the tentative system requirements."

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:36 pm
by bat78
Don't say that kcg can't upload his game on Steam
kcg is unpredictable.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:37 pm
by knucklecrunchgames
Guys, I already know about the fee and greenlit, that's not the problem though. It's just using steam's special codes that would be a problem.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:38 pm
by knucklecrunchgames
bat78 wrote:Don't say that kcg can't upload his game on Steam
kcg is unpredictable.

Haha! Yes. You never know what I would do.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 2:20 pm
by Zivouhr
knucklecrunchgames wrote:Guys, I already know about the fee and greenlit, that's not the problem though. It's just using steam's special codes that would be a problem.

I'm guessing they'll give the programming Steam Key coding to copy/paste into your game's code or file if it got greenlit. That would lock the game with a password so that it wouldn't be playable until the Steam Key was entered in some password screen or something. I'm guessing since they know everyone is using a different program to create games, that it shouldn't be anything too complicated.

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:24 pm
by 420foxbot
I will leave this as my feedback.


I use Steam myself, and I, among many others, have noticed the extremely high influx of downright shit games coming through Steam Greenlight and showing up on the market. It's cool that indie developers are able to have such a huge market to publish to. However, there are too many indie games coming through Steam Greenlight, that simply don't deserve it. I personally think that any ge game is not deserving to be on Steam, solely for the fact that ge will never produce the quality of game that some more modern engines can.

In short, I think that if you are publishing your games anywhere, they should go to GameJolt or, the latter will allow you to profit off of your games.

For more reading regarding why you should stay away from Steam, I'll leave this article.

If you choose to ignore all of this, and are still interested in publishing to Steam, please see

Re: Would GE games be suitable for steam?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 3:14 pm
by knucklecrunchgames
420foxbot wrote:I will leave this as my feedback.


I use Steam myself, and I, among many others, have noticed the extremely high influx of downright shit games coming through Steam Greenlight and showing up on the market. It's cool that indie developers are able to have such a huge market to publish to. However, there are too many indie games coming through Steam Greenlight, that simply don't deserve it. I personally think that any ge game is not deserving to be on Steam, solely for the fact that ge will never produce the quality of game that some more modern engines can.

In short, I think that if you are publishing your games anywhere, they should go to GameJolt or, the latter will allow you to profit off of your games.

For more reading regarding why you should stay away from Steam, I'll leave this article.

If you choose to ignore all of this, and are still interested in publishing to Steam, please see

To be honest. I agree with you. All I see is these games for 99 cent that lure you into a great deal, when really all you are getting crap. I won't be publishing to steam unless I produce actual quality.