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2 .dat files - problem on iPhone?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:56 pm
by peedalein

I have some trouble with my game for the iphone.

My game consists of two files - geapp.dat and levels.dat

geapp.dat contains the main menu, levels.dat is the actual game. I already built one game with this setup in December in Xcode, and the same setup works fine in GE Player (-> pressing a button
in the main menu loads the game).

Xcode succesfully builds my new game and I test it on the iPod. The main menu is loaded, then I press the button to load the game and nothing happens beside a short black screen, then
the main menu appears again.

Is there an issue with having two files in the ge app xcode project (same game files work perfectly in GE Player)?

This is the code to load the second game file:

Code: Select all
if(LevelsDone == 0) {CurrentLevel = 1; saveVars("save.dat", "LevelGroup"); LoadGame("levels.dat");
;  ;}

Code: Select all

I hope you can help.


Re: 2 .dat files - problem on iPhone?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:44 pm
by skydereign
Loading multiple .dat files should work, and people have gotten it to work. Can you try with two more or less blank ged files? Just with enough in them to tell them apart. If you still have the problem with these files, it might be your geapp project.

Re: 2 .dat files - problem on iPhone?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2012 12:08 pm
by peedalein
Hello again,

I had 2 seperate dat files before and submitted successfully a game to the app store. This time it does not work even with 2 very simple files.

If somebody might be so kind, to check these files with the geapp project and check if it is possible to load 'levels.dat' by clicking on the smiley in 'geapp.dat'.

-> test.ged compile as geapp.dat-> click on the smiley to load the levels.dat
-> test2.ged compile as levels.dat -> simply displays a text saying 'loaded'.

Thanks a lot in advance,