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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2011 4:14 pm
by foleyjo
Here is my latest offering.

It's a quiz game based on games for the C64. It's very difficult even if you have played the games. ... CA95C2!191

I have included a Windows exe file and the ged and data files are in the zip folder.

Please let me know if you find any bugs or if I have done something a very stupid way

-Known Bugs
---Volumes in the music rounds can vary, also some music ends before the wait timer runs out.
---Spelling and grammar mistakes

UPDATE 10/10/11 :- Key press function corrected. Mistake in code made it so that the number keys were not working correctly making it impossible to answer one of the questions

UPDATE 27/09/11 13:03 :- New function for key presses. Should be more responsive when typing fast and has a key delay for when holding down on a key.
- Changed the download links so you can download the .ged without having to redownload the data files

Bug Fixed 25/09/11 18:12 - high Score wasn't being saved
//NOTE: If you downloaded this when I first uploaded it there is another bug. I forgot to reset the values after testing so the quiz does not start at the 1st round. Please redownload to fix this


PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:24 pm
by lcl
Nicely done! :D

Just too bad I'm way too young to know anything about these games.. xD
I had 4 right at the anagrams part, some of them were easy enough :D

Very good job, +1! :)


PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:01 pm
by foleyjo
Thanks lcl .

Not sure if you noticed but you actually contributed to the game too.
I borrowed your typewrite code for the messages. Hope you don't mind


PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:13 pm
by lcl
foleyjo wrote:Thanks lcl .

Not sure if you noticed but you actually contributed to the game too.
I borrowed your typewrite code for the messages. Hope you don't mind

Yeah, I noticed that and it's great you use it! :D
And actually the one to thank for is pyrometal (one old member) who originally made the function which I then rewrote for learning it. :D


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:03 pm
by foleyjo
lcl I did try making my own typewriter function but couldn't seem to get it working.

The only problem I had when using yours was that I couldn't work out how to pass a variable to it rather than typing the whole message.

Still I think it's a great function and adds to the feel I was going for with the quiz.


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:30 pm
by lcl
foleyjo wrote:lcl I did try making my own typewriter function but couldn't seem to get it working.

The only problem I had when using yours was that I couldn't work out how to pass a variable to it rather than typing the whole message.

Still I think it's a great function and adds to the feel I was going for with the quiz.

Well, inputting variable to it isn't actually that hard. :D
Code: Select all

You just have to remember to use a string. :)


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:40 pm
by foleyjo
That's how I did it!

My problem must have been with the way I was setting up the string I was using.
I'll have a play around with it and see if I can get it working

I'm trying to make it so I can quickly adapt this quiz to any topic changing only the on screen text,images and sound.
Using variable for the text is part of my plan


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:45 pm
by foleyjo
I see the problem.
It was how I was declaring and using strings. Just been reading a few threads so know how to use them now.

Don't think I will change it now though. The way it is set up makes it easy for me to change it anyway.
The thing that takes time is writing the questions and get the images. :lol:


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 2:57 pm
by lcl
foleyjo wrote:I see the problem.
It was how I was declaring and using strings. Just been reading a few threads so know how to use them now.

Don't think I will change it now though. The way it is set up makes it easy for me to change it anyway.
The thing that takes time is writing the questions and get the images. :lol:

:lol: you've really done good work with this, only thing you'd need to get working is the input thing. Actually, I've made a perfectly working text input function, if you want I can send it to you! :D it's just way longer code because it supports using shift and also the special characters like .,?!"':;@#$%&* etc. :D

Your work on this inspired me to start making a "game" where you have to fill the missing characters to words, not that challenging or fun game, but it's nice to make it ;D

- lcl -


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 3:38 pm
by foleyjo
Not sure if you checked the latest update but I've changed the inputting.
It's now using 2 functions. 1 that tests for key presses and 1 that inputs a character. To help the player I've limited it to only the characters that will be used in the game.

Seems to work correctly now. Tried it on 2 keyboards.

Wouldn't mind seeing your code though. Always good to compare how things are done.

The missing character game sounds interesting. The reason I did this quiz was to learn how to use strings a bit better. I seem to have ignored them a bit


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:50 pm
by lcl
Oh, got to check the update.
I can send my code to you some day when I have time. :)

That missing character thing is something where one can learn more about using strings, it was quite challenging to make it place the inputted characters to the right positions. I will send the game to forum when it's done, so you can look at the codes. :D


PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:17 pm
by Jagmaster
Nice! but the only thing I know about the commodore 64 is that it was around when floppy discs were floppy!
There is one bug in the exe. At round 2, some of the text didn't get finished typing and the next line of text started. :)


PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:03 am
by foleyjo
Thanks Jagmaster.
I noticed the text in round 2 too. I have a timer which counts down to the next round. It's a short timer by default but it can be increased for each bit of text if needed.
I just forgot to increase the time at this section :lol:

I need to tidy the code up a bit so people can understand it so I'll make the change at the same time.