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What makes the final executable so big?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:59 pm
by BeyondtheTech
Just out of curiosity, what makes the final executable or game code so big? In regards to the Pocket PC export, I know that the file will have to be about half a megabyte because of the pocketpc.bin file that has to be embedded.

For a test, I created an absolutely empty game. No actors, no scripts. The final result came out to be a 960KB EXE file. Exporting just the Game Data turned out just to be a 5KB DAT file.

To keep in line with a lot of other tightly-compacted PocketPC games out there, what can be done to reduce the final export size?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:58 pm
by makslane
The engine size is a big issue for me.
The uncompressed size is around 970KB.

So, your game will have at least this size.

The data files are exported without engine. Only the compressed resources.

Reduce the engine size is in my task list.