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Key Down, Key Up events for Pocket PC

PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:26 pm
by saikspaik
In Key Down, Key Up events, when GE say "Press the key or key sequence", I can enter the key only from the keyboard. It's good, but when I make game for PPC, and I need to use keys KEY_POCKET_UP, KEY_POCKET_DOWN, KEY_POCKET_A, KEY_POCKET_B etc. I have to use Script Editor and GetKeyState().
I think it would be nice to add a drop-down list (or something like that), where I could select the appropriate key.

Re: Key Down, Key Up events for Pocket PC

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:01 am
by skydereign
You can map pocket pc keys to keyboard keys with gameEditor. That way, you use keyboard controls for your events, and gameEditor will translate the pocket pc keys to the keys you want. So, if you want Pocket Start to pause the game, you can have it map to just say the p key. Then the event no longer needs the pocket pc key, just the p key.

To do this click Config -> Game Properties -> Pocket PC and GP2X Keys. Edit them from there.