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Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:24 pm
by millepix
I'm still at the very beginning learning stages and I think the answer to my question is 'yes' because I did a search and saw at least one or two people had made such games - but I wanted to check - is it possible to create escape the room kind of games with game-editor?

I'm thinking of ones that you have a view and you click on things to get a close up and then a puzzle. Maybe you can click a side bar to go 'around' the room.

I hope that makes sense.
I'm sort of having a 'writer's block' or 'game creator block' because I think - ok, a platformer you have an actor that moves, you have a 'set' - I understand that - but with an escape game you just click on actors I suppose - and get different views? It sounds easy but also like advanced.

I haven't had much experience yet but if it's possible could someone point me into the "first learn this or do this" kind of step?

Thank you I appreciate the help! :)

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 7:46 pm
by MrJolteon
I'm actually working on a game like that, and I can tell you that the hardest part to make is the graphics.
Here's an older project of mine (probably one of the ones you found), feel free to look through the code to see how I did things.

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 12:42 am
by millepix
Thank you for the link.

I downloaded your game and took a look at the code. It was very helpful and I've got to the point today in my much simpler puzzle :D of being able to zoom into the bigger picture to focus on various puzzle regions.

I never thought of z-depth for that until I saw your code! I was wondering - maybe I didn't see correctly - but in the game file (ged) I didn't see any wireframe regions around the little papers that could be clicked on to be picked up and examined or put into inventory - yet I could pick them up. Why is that? I saw regions around the doors - that made sense - but no regions - seems like magic! :D

Did I miss some other way of letting the game know what region the player could click on?

I think you are right about the graphics being the 'hard' part though for me, my background is in graphics and illustration, that's more like 'work' as in it takes quite a while for a picture to be produced (which is why sometimes I use very very minimalistic styles :lol: ) But with the coding - now there my brain hurts! so that's harder right now!

And I haven't even done any or hardly any scripting yet - !

I think your game was very intriguing - atmospheric (loved the music too) and I would love to play it through. I didn't see anything written on the little papers though so I was wondering if you finished it?

Is your latest game almost done or just in the works - If it is half as intriguing as this one I bet it is great!

BTW I hadn't stumbled on your game so thank you once more - it was helpful!

Oh, in case you might know - I noticed I have to size my images for various sized game devices - does that mean that I would have resized all of my images and create a whole new game with new animation links just to create the same game for different devices? Now that I would call work! :shock: :D

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Mon May 01, 2017 8:08 am
by MrJolteon
millepix wrote:Thank you for the link.

Happy to help. :)

I never thought of z-depth for that until I saw your code! I was wondering - maybe I didn't see correctly - but in the game file (ged) I didn't see any wireframe regions around the little papers that could be clicked on to be picked up and examined or put into inventory - yet I could pick them up. Why is that? I saw regions around the doors - that made sense - but no regions - seems like magic! :D

Did I miss some other way of letting the game know what region the player could click on?

The doors are part of the background, but the items are separate actors.

I think your game was very intriguing - atmospheric (loved the music too) and I would love to play it through. I didn't see anything written on the little papers though so I was wondering if you finished it?

I never finished it due to a gamebreaking bug I couldn't figure out.

Is your latest game almost done or just in the works - If it is half as intriguing as this one I bet it is great!

It's still in the works, but I've released a couple of demos.

Oh, in case you might know - I noticed I have to size my images for various sized game devices - does that mean that I would have resized all of my images and create a whole new game with new animation links just to create the same game for different devices? Now that I would call work! :shock: :D

lcl made a framework just for this called Resolutionary. Look into using that.
Note: It does not support tile actors and text actors (he has been working on text support though, but you'll have to contact him about that).

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 12:25 am
by millepix
Thank you again :)

I downloaded both your demo and Resolutionary. I'm using a linux distro right now so I'll have to load wine or try your demo out on a windows machine - can't wait. :D
Resolutionary will have to wait probably until I actually finish something though I might get curious before that and give it a go.

re the wireframes -

The doors are part of the background, but the items are separate actors.

:lol: Of course - I was so impressed by the wireframes letting me click on the background I totally forgot actors are able to be clicked on without wireframes!

The whole thing (animation) is ridiculously magical to me - I think that blocks my brain up to being able to figure things out some times. :shock:

I never finished it due to a gamebreaking bug I couldn't figure out.

That's too bad.
What is this bug? Is it something that can be worked around if you know about it beforehand?
I don't want to get into something the wrong way if I can avoid it.

BTW - I saw that in your code for your other game - you have the 'scenes' - not sure if that's the right word - but all the little rooms - they are off the place where the viewfinder box (again, not sure if that's the best word for it) sits. I mean that white box - 'view' I think is the actor name it has.

And then when running the game when you click on a door you go through to the next room - which in the game set up is off the 'view' - so how does it follow it - or is that just what view does? I think I recall reading something like that in the moon defender tutorial but I might be wrong.

Right now I've been just placing my actors in the escape game one on top of another but figure it would get slightly messy and complicated to keep doing this. With a platformer putting the scenery outside of view made sense since you follow the character that gets moved - but how do you get the 'view' to move to the next room/scene when it's not moving except of course in z-depth - or do I move the other actors/scenes into the view?

I didn't see any code for that - so I think I'm missing something. I suspect or hope it's as obvious as the wireframe/actor clickability thing :?

I hope that makes sense and I appreciate any input.

Thank you.

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Tue May 02, 2017 7:07 am
by MrJolteon
millepix wrote:I'm using a linux distro right now so I'll have to load wine or try your demo out on a windows machine - can't wait. :D

If you have WINE, it'll work just fine there.
I never finished it due to a gamebreaking bug I couldn't figure out.

That's too bad.
What is this bug? Is it something that can be worked around if you know about it beforehand?
I don't want to get into something the wrong way if I can avoid it.

It was a bug with how badly I implemented the inventory system, and I could probably have avoided it if I had any idea what I was doing at the time.

BTW - I saw that in your code for your other game - you have the 'scenes' - not sure if that's the right word - but all the little rooms - they are off the place where the viewfinder box (again, not sure if that's the best word for it) sits. I mean that white box - 'view' I think is the actor name it has.

And then when running the game when you click on a door you go through to the next room - which in the game set up is off the 'view' - so how does it follow it - or is that just what view does? I think I recall reading something like that in the moon defender tutorial but I might be wrong.

Right now I've been just placing my actors in the escape game one on top of another but figure it would get slightly messy and complicated to keep doing this. With a platformer putting the scenery outside of view made sense since you follow the character that gets moved - but how do you get the 'view' to move to the next room/scene when it's not moving except of course in z-depth - or do I move the other actors/scenes into the view?

I didn't see any code for that - so I think I'm missing something. I suspect or hope it's as obvious as the wireframe/actor clickability thing :?

That's just a simple Move To event on the view actor.

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:08 am
by millepix
Hi again -

I tried your demo in WINE - nice! :D

That's just a simple Move To event on the view actor.

Thanks! I revisited the old demo after I asked the question and tried out the Move To event I saw you had used. I sped it up (is there a limit to that?) so it looks instantaneous at least to my eyes :P

So now, onto some puzzles - I think I'll have to learn some scripting for them -

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 7:42 am
by MrJolteon
I saw you asked for help with making a color puzzle, so I made you a demo. When I finished the demo I saw you had removed that part.
I'm not sure if you figured it out on your own, but here you go: ...

All of the code is explained in the demo.

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Wed May 03, 2017 10:52 pm
by millepix
I saw you asked for help with making a color puzzle, so I made you a demo. When I finished the demo I saw you had removed that part.

Wow that is so nice!

Yes, I took down that (rambling :D ) part after I spent hours, one might say obsessively haha - looking for an answer. I sort of found some answers - like how to click through with advancing one frame of a sequence at a time - from this thread

and I thought maybe this thread

might help me today (after I finally went to sleep early this morning!) but I haven't even started trying to figure out - so your demo - wow!

I seem to come to a point after looking around where I think - ohhh I get it (and I edit/take down my request for help - lol - then I go forward and say . . . uh wait a second - what?! So a demo is more than amazing to have.

. . . I just downloaded it and it said I had to have the newest version of Game editor so I downloaded the 'beta' version of 1.4.1 beta - is that the latest? Not 1.4.0? Not sure what the older version I had was but no problem getting those up and running. I just opened it and hehehe saw you even put a little 'case' around the places to click - graphics! Very cool! :D I hope I can be as helpful to you one day!

The code is explained within the script editor - right? Just didn't want to miss anything - I will read this all now - it's very cool!
Thank you (did I say that already)? :D :mrgreen:
I put in Mr green icon because I don't have anything else to give and it's sort of like flowers or a plant or something you might give as a present :mrgreen:

Re: Escape the Room Game

PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 6:21 am
by MrJolteon
millepix wrote:
I saw you asked for help with making a color puzzle, so I made you a demo. When I finished the demo I saw you had removed that part.

Wow that is so nice!

Yes, I took down that (rambling :D ) part after I spent hours, one might say obsessively haha - looking for an answer. I sort of found some answers - like how to click through with advancing one frame of a sequence at a time - from this thread

and I thought maybe this thread

might help me today (after I finally went to sleep early this morning!) but I haven't even started trying to figure out - so your demo - wow!

I seem to come to a point after looking around where I think - ohhh I get it (and I edit/take down my request for help - lol - then I go forward and say . . . uh wait a second - what?! So a demo is more than amazing to have.

. . . I just downloaded it and it said I had to have the newest version of Game editor so I downloaded the 'beta' version of 1.4.1 beta - is that the latest? Not 1.4.0? Not sure what the older version I had was but no problem getting those up and running. I just opened it and hehehe saw you even put a little 'case' around the places to click - graphics! Very cool! :D I hope I can be as helpful to you one day!

The code is explained within the script editor - right? Just didn't want to miss anything - I will read this all now - it's very cool!
Thank you (did I say that already)? :D :mrgreen:
I put in Mr green icon because I don't have anything else to give and it's sort of like flowers or a plant or something you might give as a present :mrgreen:

You're welcome Image

Like you might have noticed, my demo actually changes the color of the actor instead of the animation frame, but if you'd rather do it that way, simply replace the parts of the code that changes the color (r=255, g=255, etc.) with
Code: Select all

except in the first switch case, where you have to put
Code: Select all

If you have any further questions, I'm usually available​ on Discord (link in my signature).