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Script or Physical Response help.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:54 pm
by Just4Fun
I would like to speed up the ball on the -yvelocity (after paddle actor collision) each time the lives count goes down.

Current script: yvelocity= -yvelocity

I have also tried using Physical Response and changing collide actor's final velocity.

I'm not having much luck figuring this out. As usual, any help is appreciated. I learn from every response. :!:

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 6:19 pm
by makslane
What's happened with PhysicalResponse?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:15 am
by Just4Fun
How would I make the actor(ball) go faster when it collides with another actor? The ball speed would be based on the number of lives that the ball actor has?

Lives=3; actor speed 4
Lives=2; actor speed 5
Lives=1; actor speed 6


PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:56 pm
by makslane
Use the script editor and put this:

int velocity; //Velocity multiplier

if(lives == 3) velocity = 4;
else if(lives == 2) velocity = 5;
else if(lives == 1) velocity = 6;

PhysicalResponse(MOVE_EVENT_ACTOR_ONLY, USE_CALCULATED_MASS, 1.000000, 1.000000, velocity, 1.000000);