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The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 12:11 am
by mrgame
Games im Working On


An operating system type game. this game is going to be able to launch all my games like you would if it was ur real operating system. so a usefull operating system game. i made one of these before that did this ages ago but i since have lost all my old games

Aztecs (remake)

a remake of my old and also one of the lost games. my old aztec game. i am trying to remake it but better :)
skydereign is helping me on this one with the drawings. and hopefully naming :P

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:42 pm
by mrgame
Aztecs Blog

06 january 2009

With the help of skydereign who got the main character done i have a total of 3 animations in the whole game at the moment. i have been spending most of my time to find a way to get the main character be able to walk infront and behind objects with it changing zdepth. i found the simeplest way i could think of with 2 actors one above him and one below him. then just change the objects zdepth depending on what one it is touching and it worked like a charm :P

i will post In more detail how to do it my way here for anyone who is making a game like mine or an isometrical game. this works as well as any code could and is simple and fast to do :P


Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:27 am
by jimmynewguy
seems like your putting alot of work into this, i love when people do that :D
can't wait to see the final result!

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:12 pm
by mrgame
Almost forgot.

i am using anti moonwalk in my game but i as you can guess i do it a simple way. i have noticed in some peoples games they are using a code that makes there caracter walk a little bit when they press say right. so they press right and it walks for a second or 2 even when you let go. why would you want that? it just lets people glitch into walls unless you then use the code ive seen about that stops you walking through things .


put these in the keydowns for the actor you dont want to moon walk

Code: Select all
Keydown up
direct = 1;

Code: Select all
keydown right
direct = 2;

Code: Select all
keydown down
direct = 3;

Code: Select all
keydown left
direct = 4;

now in keyup for all thoes keys put
Code: Select all
 direct = 0;

and now in the draw actor of the same actor

Code: Select all
if (direct == 1)
ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "ups", NO_CHANGE);
actor.y = actort.y - 5;
if (direct == 2)
ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "right", NO_CHANGE);
actor.x=actor.x + 5;
if (direct == 3)
ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "downs", NO_CHANGE);
actor.y = actor.y + 5;
if (direct == 4)
ChangeAnimation("Event Actor", "left", NO_CHANGE);

actor.x = actor.x - 5;
if (direct == 0)
    ChangeAnimationDirection("Event Actor", STOPPED);
    animpos = 0;

Now in keydown up down left and right you have to put in each one.
Code: Select all
 ChangeAnimationDirection("Event Actor", FORWARD);

I think thats everything

Now you change actor to the name of your actor.

now that this does is the movement and the changing of the animation are set to a variable not a keydown. and they are both set to the same variable.

so looking right and going right can not be apart. if one is on the other one has to be. this way if you press both up and right. the actory will look and go either up or right. depending on what was pressed first.

a non flawable anty moon walk code using only if :)

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:56 am
by skydereign
Here's the tree. Just wondering, does it matter where I place these?

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:48 pm
by mrgame
What ya mean where u place what? :)

Oo Btw love the tree. i had to take of the shadows at the bottom because they didnt work with the behind or infront thing they kept messing it up but i shall add them back on with another actor :) Hows thoes attacks getting along? could i have the sword one as i have already coded it in just need the animation to get the game right on its way thx.

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:27 pm
by mrgame

Anyone here fancy making a theme tune for this game?
i have tryed but all the software on the computer i am just terrible with. even though i play guitar piano and a little saxaphone i have nothing to record with anyway. so i fail at doing it on computer and can not record. anyone wanna do me a little theme tune. maybe 30-1minute long and be able to loop? thanks if anyone helps

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:42 am
by skydereign
This is why I asked which topic I should post these. I posted the attack and a concept for a fire spell on another topic. I will now post them here unless otherwise specified.

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:29 am
by jimmynewguy
ill try to make a song for you guys, my stuff stinks so i have nothing better to do

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:39 pm
by mrgame
thx jimmy. i love the sword sky :) i would never have thought of doing it like that with the blury slash and stuff :) and ye fire is great. if you do do a range just make him like pull out a bow and fire it. and make a seperate picture of an arrow. thx for all the help its going great :)


sky there is a problem with the Sword slashes. there is a big jump in the like place where it animation is in ge.

The right slash is perfect though. the rightslash is in the same place right walking is.

both left and down are a bit above it and up as you can see in the attachment is alot below it.

How do i sort animation wise. i dont want to add in extra code moving the actor up then back down when he changes animations. coz it just causes trouble.

is it somthing to do with the size of the box the drawings are in or somthing? :) help

The actor is in the same place onlything changees is the animaton and there is this much jump

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 11:50 pm
by skydereign
Yeah, I was worried about that. I forgot to check... gameEditor needs constant sized sprites that should all be relative to the other sprites. I'll fix it, but this will probably mean you will have to redo your sprites. There is a way of moving the actor for the individual sprites, but I agree it would be easier just to redo them. I'll get on that now.

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:35 am
by skydereign
Here it is.

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 3:41 am
by mrgame
thanks. its 3:40 in the morning here so ill put them all back on in the morning and see what else i need. loving the drawings though :) thought of any names yet?

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 2:48 pm
by jimmynewguy
all right.. im confused with music now... what style does the music need to be, and is it title screen, overworld, battle? srry i had to ask :lol:

Re: The Games I Am Working On

PostPosted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:45 pm
by mrgame
i need a main song for the game. it will be played at title screen and ending screen as well as any main parts of the story.

if you wish you can make some small background songs aswell with different feels to them


1) happy / home town

2) sad / home town ( a kinda remake of the hometown song but very sad. so maybe slower deaper ect. i dont know :)

3) peaceful

4) angry/fighting

4) supriced / breathrough

6) alone

ect ect. just small 1minute maybe repeat able songs that can be played at sertain times for the game.

the main theme as i do not write music or anything like that i can not help you with what it should sound like but maybe this will help


you are a person from the time of magic and swords ect

there are monsters that have appeared in your time. and soon after humans from the future that have come to destory them. these humans are the aztecs. they made these monster type things but the monsters managed to escape to lots of times. the humans went back or forward to most of these times and destroyed them. your time is one of the very few left that still have the monsters in them. you end up joining with the aztecs and help destroy the monsters from other times.

thats all you need to know really.

i dont exspect you to make all these songs or anything :) anyone is welcome to help with the songs. i have a feeling there going to be the hardest part to get done of this game


alsot forgot :) the style. not like synth. if you can do it using stringed instruments that would suit the style of the game.

and i told you the basic felling of the songs above :)

what do you use to make the songs