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Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 4:10 pm
by again
Yes I been wanting a change for the longest in several areas. The logo is ok but to impress people you have to make something better then ok ,it needs to be excellent!! Right now the changes we going to make is to help game editor become more popular ,more of an industry standard.
To this end I released some freeware games for windows mobile , tiny wings bounce and angry bird adventures. So far the feedback has been great and there are some andriod developers who are interested in game editor.
Right now is a very critical time for game editor as I see its slowed down. I am working right now to build back up customers for game editor and a better presentation will help. I will start the linkbacks today . Akr can you speed up android port so I can tell the android developers its running fine.

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 6:20 pm
by schnellboot
again wrote:Akr can you speed up android port so I can tell the android developers its running fine.

he can't because it's too hard

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 6:39 pm
by again
I know its hard but on xda-developers there are tons of android developers looking for better tools then eclipse. If we can port the android , makslane and akr can recieve some money.
Xda-developers is a huge site , 6 largest in the USA. I already spread word of Game Editor windows mobile , but most developers have moved on to android . Some e-mail me and ask what I use I tell them Game Editor , then they ask of android port. All I can tell them is we made some progress but its not fully complete.

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 8:18 pm
by Game A Gogo
OmniArts wrote:new logo concept.


That logo gave me an idea... Perhaps have all the platforms GE can export to (Iphone, GP2X, Windows Mobile, Computer, Macintosh, Ipad, etc...) and kinda cram them all together. To demonstrate that GE really is power merged in one do-it-all software. This is just my two cents, hopefully it will be inspirational!

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Tue May 03, 2011 9:56 pm
by akr
Android is working in generall. Thats not the problem. The build environment is too complex. Thats the problem. We need to think about a datafile submittal portal where you get the android app as a result. This is similar how game maker and gamesalad are handling this.

Furthermore I feel that there is no priority on Android. I see much more potential if we can get ge 1.5 released. We could then do angry bird style games. In the meantime I sent makslane several questions if I am going the right way with the development. Having the right strategy for the future is much more important than getting some features to work.

Hopefully I get his feedback soon. Best case I get a phone call set up with him.

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 7:34 am
by Leif
Well, it's true that GE has completely grown out from sandbox. Many people has grown with GE )) And still many people wants to have professional instrument to work with.
What do we need to make GE such instrument? Just a little - a bit more design (for professional looks) and some useful features, like customizable environment :) . That's all.

About 1.5 and Android. I vote for Android. This way we can greatly expand and increase number of our followers. Thousands of people are making games for iPhone, Android fans wants to do the same.
Akr, I see your plan is to release 1.5 in 3Q 2011. Great, 3Q is not so far. And again,what about A-port ?

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 10:39 pm
by OmniArts
Game A Gogo wrote:
OmniArts wrote:new logo concept.


That logo gave me an idea... Perhaps have all the platforms GE can export to (Iphone, GP2X, Windows Mobile, Computer, Macintosh, Ipad, etc...) and kinda cram them all together. To demonstrate that GE really is power merged in one do-it-all software. This is just my two cents, hopefully it will be inspirational!

I like this idea and it would make a great poster/banner but do you have any ideas on how we could make a logo/icon from it?

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:22 pm
by Game A Gogo
Hmmmm, perhaps some kind of machine that holds various elements from all the consoles? Like a robot that has Ipad as a head, one arm a normal computer, the other a mac, the body a gp2x and legs could be windows mobile and the other iphone/android (since it's planned feature...). Of course the robot doesn't need to be humanoid or even be a robot, like a device that simply holds elements from the various consoles to make some kind of iphone/mobile/gp2x/computer/mac morph! Of course it's easier to do this with the hand-helds... I wish I had the required skills to show you exemple but I'm not the greatest graphic artist when it comes to things like that :P

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:26 pm
by OmniArts
no problems, sounds interesting lol, thats enough for me to work with!

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:38 pm
by skydereign
Well, here was a quick try at something. I like the general idea, though it does feel a tad unbalanced, might try with just an emblem, or change the flags at least. Mind you this was very poorly done, just meant to get the idea across... Currently at school anyways, so I had to use photoshop which I'm not used to at all. Didn't include the ipad, and not sure if we should still include the gp2x and windows mobile, as those engines appear to no longer be supported.

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2011 11:54 pm
by Game A Gogo
Yeah.. it does feel "too crowded" and perhaps moves further from what we are trying to achieve... The main platforms that GE supports is Linux, Windows and Mac, perhaps something with only those? We also need something more or less symbolic to GE. Maybe my idea wasn't as good as I though S: We need more brain-storming that's for sure. I'm also curious about what idea Makslane and Akr could have, given they are the developers.

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2011 4:37 am
by Leif
IMHO no need to invent something new. Just do something with good old pacman.

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 4:26 am
by Chai
Playing with Game editor logo.
I sketch a few design. so which one do you like?


Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 8:18 am
by OmniArts
nice work chai!
I like no.1 the best and have been thinking "ge" could be one of the best choices to be used for the branding.
we could also have characters from various game-editor games standing around looking up to the GE Logo
no. 4 is also interesting

Re: GE's Presentation

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2011 9:58 am
by skydereign
Here's a quick sketch inspired by Chai's. I tried to incorporate 1 and 4 together, don't have a scanner so this pic will have to do.