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switching from GM

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:25 am
by joshclue
hello there. my name is josh. now i have been a GM (circa 6.0 - 6.1) user for quite some time but i wanted to transition to making something for the iOS and android. while GM certainly provides this function in its newer version (studio), the price is a bit too steep for someone who is into it only as a hobby :( while looking for an alternative, i found this interesting program :)

but, as with any new program, it is taking some time to learn. but i was hoping someone out there can, um, "translate" a few things for me... i am sure i am NOT the first person to convert from GM to GE(? - is this correct?)

my questions are:
1. what is the equivalent of a GM "room"?
i.e. i have made a title screen "room" (named titleScreen.ged) but i can't seem to figure out how to transition to my level 1 "room" (named level01.ged)
2. in a shooter i was trying to make, i scripted
Out of Vision => DestroyActor("Event Actor");
i learned in GM that once the "object" (or in GE, "actor") is out of the screen, it is a good idea to destroy it as it takes up resources. my only problem is when the ship fires 2 shots and the first shot is almost out of the screen while the second shot is in the middle of the screen, they BOTH get destroyed once the first shot is out of vision. in GM, only the first shot would get destroyed since it is treated as an independent, um, "instance" of the "object"/"actor". is there a way to do this in GE?

i am sorry for so many GM references :( i know it is not too, um, well-liked in these forums, but a newbie has got to start somewhere, right?

thanks in advance!

Re: switching from GM

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:38 am
by MrJolteon
Welcome to the forums!
joshclue wrote:1. what is the equivalent of a GM "room"?
i.e. i have made a title screen "room" (named titleScreen.ged) but i can't seem to figure out how to transition to my level 1 "room" (named level01.ged)

There is no GE equivalent of a GM "room". Each .ged file is just one huge area (-1 000 000 to 1 000 000 on both axises).
Loading another .ged file while in game mode is easy;
Code: Select all
LoadGame("ged file");

Re: switching from GM

PostPosted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:54 am
by skydereign
joshclue wrote:i am sorry for so many GM references :( i know it is not too, um, well-liked in these forums, but a newbie has got to start somewhere, right?

That's quite alright. Some of the younger/newer users here are a tad overzealous when it comes to gE vs GM, but in the end it doesn't really matter.

joshclue wrote:Out of Vision => DestroyActor("Event Actor");
i learned in GM that once the "object" (or in GE, "actor") is out of the screen, it is a good idea to destroy it as it takes up resources. my only problem is when the ship fires 2 shots and the first shot is almost out of the screen while the second shot is in the middle of the screen, they BOTH get destroyed once the first shot is out of vision. in GM, only the first shot would get destroyed since it is treated as an independent, um, "instance" of the "object"/"actor". is there a way to do this in GE?

Are you sure you used Event Actor? Specifying Event Actor is the equivalent to specifying the individual instance (in gE terms that is a clone). If you did DestroyActor("bullet") or whatever the actor's name is, it would destroy all bullets.

Re: switching from GM

PostPosted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 12:23 pm
by joshclue
wow, that was a quick response! :D

thanks, MrJolteon... but, that being answered, i have more questions :?:

1. so, does that mean i can opt to put ALL the "rooms" in just 1 .ged file? wouldn't that be confusing?
2. if i understand correctly, i just have to move the, um, "view actor" around -is that right? if so, how would i do that?


you were right! i had DestroyActor("actorMissle"); typed in, causing all of them to be destroyed! i have readjusted it to DestroyActor("Event Actor");
and it now works as it should! thanks a bundle!

this is really getting very interesting! :)

Re: switching from GM

PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:40 am
by schnellboot
joshclue wrote:1. so, does that mean i can opt to put ALL the "rooms" in just 1 .ged file? wouldn't that be confusing?
2. if i understand correctly, i just have to move the, um, "view actor" around -is that right? if so, how would i do that?

1. yes, you can. some find it confusing some don't - just try out
2. you can move the view with
Code: Select all
view.x=[xpos]; //replace [xpos] with the x coordinates
view.y=[ypos]; //replace [ypos] with the y coordinates