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A couple questions.

PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:15 pm
by David2010
Hey I am new to the Game-Editor forum and I have a couple of questions.

I know how I would accomplish these tasks in Java or C++ but not with the Game-Editor.

I chose to stick with the Game-Editor because in the long run it cuts development time in half.

1st: How do you make multiple levels?

2nd: How do you advance from one level to another?

3rd: How do you set up screen scrolling?

4th: Why the limitations on the screen size?


PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 7:58 pm
by krenisis
Hi david welcome to Game Editor. I answer you questions with methods I use.

To make the screen scroll automatically click on the view actor(the white box) click on add // click on draw actor // click on script editor //
to make the screen move
Left x-=5;
Right x+=5;
up y+=5;
down y-=5;

You can change speeds according to your game.

Now to change the resolution of your game look along the top tabs bar and click on CONFIG then click on GAME PROPERTIES // you will see the resolution there is 640X480 you can change it by clicking the numbers and erase them. Replace them with the numbers you like.

Re: A couple questions.

PostPosted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:21 pm
by krenisis
Ok there are several ways to make levels. The method I use is data files because I mainly do games for pocket pc.

1st make the charactors
lets call the name of the game Halo
Let say the level is a side scrolling game at the end of you level have a door actor there. No you want it to be when you collide with the door you go to next level. The name of the next level is Halo 2. Follow this coding

Click on Door actor
Click on add
Click on collision // on any side of // hero // click on add action //
click on script editor // click on tab near bottom of screen called variables/functions a page will appear // click on LoadGame it should be in 2nd column // a small box appears , type Halo2 // click ok // click ok .

Now export the 2 games into any format you want. When you bump into the door in the 1st level you will be transfered to the 2nd level .

If you need me to clearify anything let me know.