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Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 9:58 pm
by Hblade
    Room Designer
    Lock to grid tile editor that erases a tile of the same kind if overlaped, to prevent lag
    Enable / Disable OpenGL when making a new game, so that you can make big games for big systems, and smaller games for low powered systems.
    Fade-Audio / Repeat Time, for making MP3 loops and other audio loops.
    greater Midi support / midi options, such as tempo and pitch.

What do you think? :D

Re: Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:11 pm
by Kalladdolf
More sound control such as SoundFinish event, PauseSound event,
Movable screen while drawing tiles.

That's what I'd also like...

Re: Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:54 pm
by skydereign
What do you mean by movable screen when doing tiles? Do you mean automated, where gameEditor detects the edge, and shifts with the next tile, or if you press right near the edge, it all shifts? I only ask because it is possible to move the screen while editing tiles.

Re: Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:58 pm
by DST
Some of these things you can code yourself, such as the music fade, that's not hard, and the music loops can be made using a timer.

Once you assign a track to a musicchannel, you can then create new musicchannels as separate processes, and even blend loops this way.

As far as midi options go, i'm not sure if that's such a good idea, because midi has many issues from system to system; the whole problem with midi is that it doesn't sound the same on all hardware or OS's, so its best to try to make it as universal as possible. And also since midi's take up almost no memory to store, you can simply add remixes of the song, as many as you like.

The overlapping tiles protection is already there; what happens is that ge gets confused about which object to align to. But if you use the object snap and draw slowly, the tiles won't overlap. To retain snap across an open space, such as a doorway, simply draw all the way through and then delete the tiles that you don't want. You only need one snapped tile on the other side to draw from after that.

The opengl is more of an issue, because its not just outputs that makslane was worried about; its also important that the newest version of GE can read ALL GE files made in any version, and splitting versions in this way will cause other compatibility issues that don't seem obvious until they become a problem. And much like joysticks, it also requires compensation for this product or that, which is sometimes impossible if the company who made the product won't help or allow any access to the driver code for that product. (video cards in linux, anyone?)

I do agree that a room designer would be a nice option, and it would be nice to retain all scroll functions while drawing tiles; it gets frustrating having to hit esc just to move the grid a little.

Soundfinish and soundpause would be nice too, but may i remind you all....

Ge is an open source project now, its not a company product where you can just request and expect them to do it for the sake of sales;

Open source means if you want it to become better, please contribute your time and your scripting knowledge to the product!

Re: Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 6:56 pm
by Kalladdolf
skydereign wrote:it is possible to move the screen while editing tiles.

Really? I'd certainly like to know how, because I've tried everything and couldn't find any info as to that. That's great!

Re: Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:16 pm
by skydereign
If you press right control, then you are now grabbing the stage, so you can move the screen around. If you let go of control while you are still clicking, then you are still moving the screen, so you have to let go of click first. That part was kind of annoying to me when I first learned about it, but I got used to it. This works in and out of tile editing.

Re: Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:10 pm
by Kalladdolf
That's awesome. That little problem slowed my development down quite a bit. As ridiculous as it may sound.

Re: Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:02 pm
by MrJolteon
Kalladdolf wrote:That's awesome. That little problem slowed my development down quite a bit. As ridiculous as it may sound.

I did nothing else than zooming out before I read this.

Re: Multiple options that may help allot

PostPosted: Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:56 am
by mog440
But I use a laptop with no right control key. maybee click right mouse button would be quicker and easier?? ( for moving screen while tile building)
stupid laptops!!!