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Multiple installations, no concurrent sessions

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:55 pm
by BeyondtheTech
If any of you are like me, you're never in one place at one time.

I first found Game Editor Pro while heavily into my work (snicker), and installed a copy there. I brought it home to my laptop where I do most of my game work (bit of an oxymoron, no?), but ever since my wife's been getting more onto the internet, I've been kicked off the laptop and forced to use the desktop. Of course, Makslane has justifiably put an "activation limit" which requires him to manually unlock it on his end in case the serial number has been used too many times.

While I see no issues whatsoever with ordering multiple licenses if I had a team of programmers working on a project - if it's just me and I need to move my work around from workstation to workstation, could I theoretically be able to install it to as much as 3 workstations, but only allow it to run once concurrently?

I bring all my projects around with me on my USB flash memory stick. Makes it easier and less likely for me to forget things I want to do with the game before I get home from work, etc.

I understand there's an online activation that comes with the first run or so of the program, and I don't mind having GE connect to the 'Net whenever it needs to.

So here's my proposition/feature request:
  • One license/serial can install GE Pro up to x number of workstations
  • Can only be run one at a time
  • Occasional verification through the "GE" registration servers (for those who might not be able to connect to the internet, it should be every other run, or something like that)
  • Possible verification through SMS (here's an idea! Have GE Pro generate a xx-digit code, you send it to an automated SMS responder, and it will kick back another xx-digit code which will activate the program)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:43 pm
by Fuzzy
that would suck for anyone using it on a laptop that is not connected to the web at all times, like me.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:51 pm
by BeyondtheTech
Well, perhaps if Makslane had two types of serial numbers, one being ONE COPY ONLY and the other MULTIPLE COPY - SINGLE INSTANCE, then it would be cool for both types of users.

Or, that's the reason I came up with the SMS authentication idea, so you can message his server on your phone and it would kick back an activation code.

I think the top idea would work well if he implemented it.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:35 pm
by willg101
Would that be hard to set up for, though?