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Version 1.2.7 animation and speed problems on Pocket PC

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:10 am
by raptor1313666

I received the email that the new v1.2.7 of Game Editor was released, and I went ahead and downloaded it and installed it.

However, my game now runs horribly slow on my PPC device (on which it used to run fine).

The game runs at full speed until the enemies start appearing on the screen, at which time it begins to run at probably less than half the frames per second it's set to (which is already down to 16fps).

The only major difference between my game on the old Game Editor and my game now was the replacement of some graphics and minor logic changes. Thinking that it may have been larger sprites that caused the slowdown, I went ahead and popped in the old placeholder graphics again.

This did not solve the problem, as the PPC game still slowed down tremedously even with the original graphics in place.

Additionally, I loaded up a previous (about a week old) version of my game (in which there were no changes between v1.2.5 and v1.2.7), and THAT one even ran slow on the device.

But the fact remains that this behavior did not exist when the game compiled with the previous version of the Game Editor.

My device is as follows:

iMate PDA2k (same as T-Mobile MDA III, O2 XDA IIs, QTek 9090)
Intel XScale @ 400 MHz
128 RAM

It's a new device, and while not in the same class as the new 650+ MHz processors, it's still no slouch.

Again, my game worked fine prior to the new version, and runs horribly slow now. As I did have a second "control" build that was known to work fine on the old version and no longer does, I believe some code changes in your compiler may be the culprit (I'm checking through my minor changes now to make certain there's nothing in there that I've done to break it).

Has anyone else experienced similar problems with the full version 1.2.7? The Windows builds of the game run fine, but the PocketPC versions do not.

Finally, is there any way to still get a hold of previous builds of Game Editor? I tried the full version download link given to me upon purchase, but I'm assuming that one links to the same new version, as it still shows v 1.2.7.

Thanks to anyone who can help. It's greatly appreciated.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:29 am
by raptor1313666

I did further testing, and it does appear that v 1.2.7 is at fault.

I reinstalled the trial version of 1.2.5 (as I still have 5 days left in the trial) and loaded up my control build of the game (the one about a week old).

I compiled for the Pocket PC and exported to my device. It ran fine with the placeholder graphics.

I then replaced the graphics with the final versions that I originally thought were at fault. Recompiled for PPC and the game still ran fine.

I then installed v 1.2.7 and recompiled the same build. Please note that at NO time did I save the source of the game, as source saved with 1.2.7 does not seem to open in the trial version of 1.2.5 (and I would suspect that it doesn't open in the full version of 1.2.5, either).

The game, which ran fine when compiled with 1.2.5 trial, was now slow again.

Once again, NO changes were made to the tested build of the game. I merely loaded it up and compiled it with the two versions of Game Editor I had. V1.2.5 Trial compiled the game fine for the Pocket PC. V1.2.7 full did not.

I hope this information helps out some. Again, I thank you for any assistance you can provide, as (aside from this unexpected obstacle), I am actually on track to release this game this coming Friday (Dec 17th).

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:46 pm
by makslane
I will send to you the old 1.2.5 while I solve this problem