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Fall through the floor, bug

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2007 11:46 pm
by AnimeTank
I'm working on my latest game but as you all know... i have a problem. :oops:

I have my main character set up and everything but theres a serious bug. Everytime my character walks to a certain part of the floor, he falls through! Is there anyway i can prevent this from happening? Please send a reply if you know. Thanks. :wink:

little more help please

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:13 am
by d-soldier
Circumstance is the key for helping you with this problem... how about a little information??? Is this part of an actor (ground) that the player normally walks on fine, but falls only in a certain spot? Are you using a tiled actor, just an image, filled/wireframe region? Without this kind of information it's difficult to understand what/where your problem is...
The generic answer is check to be sure that the your player has a collision event (physical response, with the "repeat while colliding" box checked to yes) for ALL ACTORS he is to be walking on.

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 5:14 am
by Troodon
And if you fall only after jumping, it means that the floor is too thin or you are going too fast.

PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:23 pm
by Sgt. Sparky
tekdino wrote:And if you fall only after jumping, it means that the floor is too thin or you are going too fast.

or your repeat is set to 0,
to remove this you can make a variable called position,
and on the draw actor event,
Code: Select all
position = y;

(if it is falling you need help with)
and when you hit the ground on any side-> script editor,
Code: Select all
if(y > collide.y && position <= collide.y)y = (collide.y - collide.height /2) - height / 2);


PostPosted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:45 pm
by AnimeTank
Thanks! :D