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A job for a great artist...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 14, 2011 5:14 am
by ThaKid244
Hey whats up? I was wondering if anyone could possibly make better (or at least better looking) versions of these four characters. They represent Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. I would like to keep the base traits on them. And I also ask to keep the size of the characters around the size of 64 x 96. Thank you. I hope someone is up to the task.

Re: A job for a great artist...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:52 pm
by SuperSonic
I would like to help you but sadly I am busy with other things right now :( Anyways, you could probobly get more attention by telling us what these sprites will be used for and prove to us that this game is going to be promising :wink: But, if I can get some free time, I would like to help you :D
