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SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:07 am
by sillydraco
aha! ive updated so much since i was last here, and i just finished tying up some loose ends here and there so i thought i might post a demo of how things are going. so much has changed! :D its starting to look like an actual game now <3 ive been working on enemies lately, i finally got the engulfing enemies to work. the simple "touch you, damage you" enemies are easy enough :3 ill make some more later, its just a matter of drawing them out.

i added a few interesting features, draco gets an air meter whenever hes underwater, you drown if you stay under too long! bubbles from a vent will make the meter go down a bit, so keep an eye out for them! i also added some monster drops, if you kill bigger critters they will drop blue crystals, the smaller guys drop other stuff.

also, beware of falling rocks :3 dont forget you can break rocks by scratching them or hitting them with energy!

now the game has fish! :D little tiny fish, which will drain your energy or health (or both!) and a big fish that will gulp you down! but be careful, he moves slow but theres no escaping death from this guy! if he eats you, its over!

if you touch the plants, they will pull you in and close on you D: hit the D key repeatedly to dig out before you run out of air! take too long and you die :3 if you have enough energy (green or blue crystals) you can shoot the plants! Jacree's plasma works faster, so try using that!

there are also some spikes in the water, they will really hurt you if you try to swim through them! Draco sinks in water, but Jacree floats! so try using Jacree to get across the water safely. you cant kill the spikes.

the frog is still there too. if he licks you, he will eat you! hit the D key repeatedly or hell swallow you :3 if you get bored of getting eaten by the stupid frog, head to the right to pick up an energy (green or blue) crystal and show him whos boss ;3 remember, you need to scroll to the energy to kill the frog (C and V) scratching him doesnt do anything :D

next i plan to work on some regular critters.

everything was done by me. the finished game of course will have only my art, music, and storyline.


you can download the demo here, and i update it a lot so check in every so often to see how its coming along! Ill upload other demos later on!



( <, ^, v, > )
Left and Right = walk and move while climbing
Up = look up, climb and move while climbing
Down = sit and move while climbing

( D, F, E, R, A, C, V)
D = Jump
F = Attack
E = Switch to Jacree
R = Switch to Draco
A = Opens Inventory
C = Scroll Attacks Left
V = Scroll Attacks Right


Claw - hold down the F key and you can move around. claw the rock or the red blocks to destroy them!
Energy - Draco shoots energy missiles and jacree throws plasma balls
Fire - not available yet
Wing - not working yet
Nuke - not available yet


Green Crystal - mana, restores your mana by 5
Red Crystal - health, restores your health by 5
Blue Crystal - mana / health, restores both to full
Fire - activates fire
Wing - activates wing
Nuke - activates nuke
Shinies - collect shinies!
Plushies - item for inventory


Chest - has something inside!
Yellow block - random item when you hit it from under
Red block - shoot with energy to destroy them
Rock - hit repeatedly with energy to break it
Teleporter, Out - touch to go to next area
Teleporter, In - where you go when you enter a teleporter
Ivy wall - you must be completely under the ivy (nothing sticking out) to climb, push UP (^) to start climbing and use the arrowkeys to move. push (D) or (^<) or (^>) to jump off.

Re: SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:58 am
by Hblade

Re: SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 5:05 am
by sillydraco
x3 thanks heh heh

Re: SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:33 pm
by sillydraco
aha! got an image uploaded :D thanks Hblade ^^

Re: SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 9:46 pm
by Hblade
Your welcome :3

Re: SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 3:22 am
by sillydraco
aha, fixed a few things i hadnt noticed before! for some reason, the player would autoescape the plants when you hit the D key, so thats fixed, as well as a few other minor things.

Re: SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 7:43 am
by Hblade
good work :D

Re: SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 6:31 am
by krenisis
Thanks for making a solid demo keep it up.

Re: SnF enemy demo

PostPosted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:45 am
by sillydraco
heh heh, thanks! added some fish enemies and an air meter! also watch out for falling rocks!