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Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 2:46 pm
by digiot
@ Sky : Hope, you have your graduating done successfully !
I just would like to remind you at some bugs, occasionally mentioned here and there, related
to some, but not all, Linux systems.
I'm on a Debian-stable based distribution (#!11 - "Waldorf", wm Openbox) here,
but I've noticed these bugs on every Linux os, I've used in the past:

You can't resize the GE window, only maximising works. If you stay with the starting
size, the editor window is beeing cropped, if it is set to a larger size than the
GE window.
When maximised, you can't restore it to the former size.

Killing an actor on its context menu crashes GE. This seems also true for the
other platforms.

And my favourite one, the window titel, which is only stating: "Unknown window".
I've tried, to find that part of GE's code, where the settings are done for the
X server, but I failed.
Your plan for creating a dev-guide is excellent, though it will take some time.
Maybe, meanwhile you can give me a hint, where to look in GE's code ?

I know, there are much more serious bugs/features, having to be fixed/introduced.
Just wanted to bring these bugs back into your memory.

Cheers !

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:58 am
by skydereign
Just a small update, the official 1.4.1 release is coming along. I just finished adding the ChangeResolution function which will let you change the size of the game window as well as toggle fullscreen. I'm currently looking into handling zoom. If those two features are fully working, there won't be any need to export out different versions of your games. So supporting all the different android devices will be much easier.

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:14 am
by lcl
skydereign wrote:Just a small update, the official 1.4.1 release is coming along. I just finished adding the ChangeResolution function which will let you change the size of the game window as well as toggle fullscreen. I'm currently looking into handling zoom. If those two features are fully working, there won't be any need to export out different versions of your games. So supporting all the different android devices will be much easier.

That is amazing news! Great job skydereign!

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 9:02 pm
by JamesLeonardo32
I've been using this version for a while now, I can say this was such a relief to use with all the new features (Moving actors with the aroows during editing) and now-gone bugs (The clicking away from immediate action and Ge crashing for example). My gratitute to skydereign and everyone else involved!

skydereign wrote:Just a small update, the official 1.4.1 release is coming along. I just finished adding the ChangeResolution function which will let you change the size of the game window as well as toggle fullscreen. I'm currently looking into handling zoom. If those two features are fully working, there won't be any need to export out different versions of your games. So supporting all the different android devices will be much easier.


Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:39 pm
by RippeR7420
I cant wait for the release! Really glad to hear work is still being put into the development of GE. I have an idea to sort of help fund GE a "little bit".

Sky you should create a "Game Editor" Profile on to showcase the power of/games created with GE. I will gladly submit my creations to you for this, as I'm sure most of the community here will.

Code: Select all
moreGames + morePlaysAndViews = ("A little extra income to help fund the development of GE");

Now I know there wont be that much funding coming from this, But it's something we can all do together even if we can't afford to directly put cash into pockets. So, something like this;

GAME EDITOR on [url][/url] ->

-Game 01 by User 04
-Game 02 by User 01
-Game 03 by User 05
-Game 04 by User 03
-Game 05 by User 02

CREDITS -> Games Developer.

PROCEEDS -> Game Editor Development.

It's a win/win for everybody really. The developer gets funding(Not much, but every little bit helps), And our games get showcased on the Game Editor Profile Page.

I'm sure someone has probably mention this before, But I have been gone for a while and haven't fully caught up on the forums. So what do ya guys say? Would you be
willing to help GE out like this?

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 3:52 pm
by MrJolteon
RippeR7420 wrote:Sky you should create a "Game Editor" Profile on to showcase the power of/games created with GE. I will gladly submit my creations to you for this, as I'm sure most of the community here will.

Sadly, they do not allow that anymore.
From the rules:
Game Jolt is a place for indie devs, NOT publishers. If you are not the developer of the game, you can not upload the game. We do not allow game portals to upload games that they have bought but haven't created themselves. Remember: This is Indie.

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:53 pm
by Jagmaster
You don't know happy I am to hear about in-game resolution changing and the possibility of resolution scaling.

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:33 pm
by RippeR7420
Ahh well that's a bummer. Guess I should of looked into it a bit more.

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 6:35 am
by skydereign
Another small update, the resolution scaling feature is implemented on linux, so it should definitely be in 1.4.1. Also, I finally got a gameEditor on mac working (though currently a bit of a hack) so things are progressing nicely.

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 2:17 pm
by digiot
skydereign wrote:I just finished adding the ChangeResolution function which will let you change the size of the game window as well as toggle fullscreen. I'm currently looking into handling zoom. If those two features are fully working, there won't be any need to export out different versions of your games.

Great progress, keep on with your work and posting updates from time to time.
That all sounds too good to be real !
But what does it mean ?
Changing the size of the game window and toggling fullscreen is clear.
What I'm not understanding is the zooming- or scaling-function.
When I'm scaling a graphic, I also have to adapt the positioning system,
either inside the graphic, or of the graphic itself.
So I have to provide different code related to the scalings ?
And when I have a scaling factor of e.g. 1.5x, how can I achieve the matching
positioning with only full pixel steps, how does that work ?

Cheers !

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 12:13 am
by skydereign
digiot wrote:What I'm not understanding is the zooming- or scaling-function.
When I'm scaling a graphic, I also have to adapt the positioning system,
either inside the graphic, or of the graphic itself.
So I have to provide different code related to the scalings ?
And when I have a scaling factor of e.g. 1.5x, how can I achieve the matching
positioning with only full pixel steps, how does that work ?

The scaling happens for the entire game, so the coordinate system remains fixed. If you set the scale to 0.5, everything appears at half the size, and will move at half the speed. So the velocity and xy variables act exactly the same. Now the mouse/screen/dimension variables are not properly adjusted to the scale quite yet. But I plan to fix this, as it breaks old games when zoomed. For example if you have code like this.
Code: Select all
x = view.x + xmouse;

That would break when zoomed because if you were zoomed in, xmouse converted into normal coordinates is offset. Again, this won't be the case in the actual release.
digiot wrote:So I have to provide different code related to the scalings ?

Nope. Aside from the function call that changes the scale, you shouldn't need to adjust anything. Now if you change the resolution, you'll need to make sure that your game understands that the view's dimensions will be changing. For instance your game's hud needs to adjust to a larger view, so it can't be positioned with absolute coordinates. It needs to use relative coordinates. Other than that though, nothing should need to be added.

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:39 pm
by Kalladdolf
This is a huge step forward.
Thanks a ton!

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 10:45 am
by JamesLeonardo32
skydereign wrote:Another small update, the resolution scaling feature is implemented on linux, so it should definitely be in 1.4.1. Also, I finally got a gameEditor on mac working (though currently a bit of a hack) so things are progressing nicely.

Excellent. Ill be sure to use this function on Axria. :)

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:38 am
by PookDGuru
Wow, I am pretty stoked to find out that development is still going for this. I used to use GE a lot back in the day, but due to the lack of updates and the limitations, I lost some of that initial interest. But to see that, since last year's 1.4 update, there's more content coming, I am excited to see what's in store!

Re: gameEditor 1.4.1 Announcement [Beta Released]

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:48 am
by Zivouhr
skydereign wrote:Just a small update, the official 1.4.1 release is coming along. I just finished adding the ChangeResolution function which will let you change the size of the game window as well as toggle fullscreen. I'm currently looking into handling zoom. If those two features are fully working, there won't be any need to export out different versions of your games. So supporting all the different android devices will be much easier.

That sounds awesome. Thanks for your hard work adding this feature Skydereign. 8)