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Problems with tutorials not working in GE...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 4:17 pm
by IPete2

I have just found Game Editor today (and I think it is just what I have been looking for) so please be gentle when I ask...

You know the demo tutorials?

Some of them seem to go wrong when I am using the 30 day trial version. Space Invaders gets to animating the second enemy and then the whole thing screws up. This one said you cant something error, and tyhen the demo seemed to continue in the background but nothing updated on the screen.

The same sort of thing happens with the physics response tutorial. You get to the ball responses - typing in the script editor and it just stops... although I can see the cursor and tool tips, they are no help.

Please let me know if this is because I am using the trial version or if these demos are just erroneaous in some way?

Many thanks,


*** EDIT ***

ok got Space Invaders to work now


PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:52 pm
by makslane
Works now? What's happen?

Something strange...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:02 pm
by IPete2

Well when I tried the Space Invaders tutorial (which is fantastic by the way), it stopped working during the actual tutorial. I was puzzled but thought it must be an error in the tutorial.

Any way I was watching another tutorial, and a similar thing happened.

I just thought they were buggy, but later in the day I decided to try them again - having read the forum and seen NO mention of problems. I began to think it must be me, so being me, I decided to run the tutorials again, and this time they both worked fine. I must have knocked the mouse or something.

So I came back and reposted a quick 'They are okay now' - when really I think they must have been okay all the time, I must have done something to stop them in their tracks.


I should say that I have been playing "Crimson" game and the "Tomb Climber" - they are both fantastic examples of what can be achieved. I especially liked all the effects in Tomb Climber - how on earth did they build that game in Game Editor? Brilliant!


PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 12:42 am
by makslane
Ops, sorry but the "Tomb Climber" was not made in Game Editor but could be!