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Using GE for the Android platform?

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 1:26 pm
by youbob1212
Well I run Ubuntu Linux, have eclipse downloaded, and running. Everything that is needed to make Android apps is right where I need it, but is there more?

GE can be used to make Iphone apps. Can this be used in the android systems? Or is there any plans for development.

I know Apple is like Number one, far as it's the most popular thing in the world, but correctly, google is number three, and gaining on apple.

With it being open source, very easy to use, and cheap. ONE TIME FEE 25 dollars.. GE should try to develop an export function, that allows you to save yours work as a .apk file. Or something that can be exported to Eclipse, to be compiled into an Android app.

Thank about this GE Developers! Not every one like Iphone, or any of Apples products. And the same can be said in the likes that Not every one can afford a new Apple, whatever. So that's where Android comes in. Cheaper, and you get the same old cookie.

Re: Using GE for the Android platform?

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 1:40 pm
by Clokio
Not just that, the iPhone need a test device +++, and what about the iPad $$$ and the game is sold $0.99 - the game have to be good.
+ 100$ to GE/year
+ 100$ to Apple /year
+25% or your sales goes to Apple.

Let's say you sell 1000 apps in a year great. You earn 990$ - 25%= 742.50$ - 100 to GE = 642.50$ - 100$ to Apple (again) 542.50$ - testing device. -200$ = 342.50$ oh you need a mac (herk Apple Again) 750$. Final -407.50$ And it's not over. Next year - 100$ for GE, and -100$ for apple again.
Let's say you want to do it for iPad also. Well -500$.

And I think you have to earn a 50$ or more to be able to withdraw any money from your application.

My numbers might be slightly wrong, but it's a think twice.

First Mac commercial, they became what they pretend to fight. :lol:

I want android port on GE too.

Re: Using GE for the Android platform?

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:10 pm
by sonicfire

Re: Using GE for the Android platform?

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 7:00 pm
by youbob1212
blah. I was hoping things were going to be free. I ready don't want to spend another 25 bucks....

Thanks any way. Now I know there is an Option with GE, and I might take it after I start to get some money(from other sources, maybe) and use GE later.

Re: Using GE for the Android platform?

PostPosted: Sun May 29, 2011 9:00 pm
by youbob1212
Clokio wrote:Not just that, the iPhone need a test device +++, and what about the iPad $$$ and the game is sold $0.99 - the game have to be good.
+ 100$ to GE/year
+ 100$ to Apple /year
+25% or your sales goes to Apple.

Let's say you sell 1000 apps in a year great. You earn 990$ - 25%= 742.50$ - 100 to GE = 642.50$ - 100$ to Apple (again) 542.50$ - testing device. -200$ = 342.50$ oh you need a mac (herk Apple Again) 750$. Final -407.50$ And it's not over. Next year - 100$ for GE, and -100$ for apple again.
Let's say you want to do it for iPad also. Well -500$.

And I think you have to earn a 50$ or more to be able to withdraw any money from your application.

My numbers might be slightly wrong, but it's a think twice.

First Mac commercial, they became what they pretend to fight. :lol:

I want android port on GE too.

Dude, this makes no sense.

Ok there are two ways towards making apps for the apple Iphone, and Ipad systems.

1# Buy an Apple computer, Buy the license 100 dollars yearly fee, and download the Iphone/Ipad SDK for free.
Start from Stretch, Start to program out your apps.

2# Buy an Apple computer, Buy the license 100 dollars yearly fee, and download the Iphone/Ipad SDK for free.
Using GE and xcode to make your apps.

With in your apple PC, you got a emulator that is free to work with(or comes with the package). And there are no extra cost, other than the 100 dollars yearly.

Without a Mac, You need to buy an emulator, make sure that you have an Iphone, and with an Iphone/Ipad you can buy the
25 dollar app for that turns your GE data into an workable Iphone/Ipad format, that can later be tested in your emulator.

It's safe to buy the 25 dollar app, and test it later with an emulator, because you should have done all of the testing during the making of your game, under the GE engine.

But if you can get the emulator cheap, then you have a way to make apps without using an apple computer. However, either way you go your still going to be using an apple product for doing all of your testing, and launching of your apps.

I have a huge beef with your ideas on how much money would you be making with your apps.
Let's say you sell 1000 apps in a year great. You earn 990$ - 25%= 742.50$ - 100 to GE = 642.50$ - 100$ to Apple

For starters, I would sell my apps for .99 cents. Because people will buy them without thinking about the price.

I would be using youtube for my means to sell my apps for free. All I would have to do is spend a little time on the idea for a quick sells ads, make a quick catchy video, and hope that at least 20,000 people (or more) view it.
That Video might be the sell of one app, or might be the sell of one hundred. Either way, youtube is a way to jump start my app making business.

Final idea: I well have a web page to go along with these apps. As soon as I start to make any money off of my apps, then I go ahead and put a little money down on a domain name, and server to host my web page. With a domain name, your web site will be viewed a lot more often, rather if you just use a free options for hosting your site.

Then in a short amount of time, if I make something like a thousand dollars or more, then I will take it to the next level.

Did you know you can have youtube and google to place the name of your web page/ video in the top selections of the search list.
You would simply pay google or youtube(if not both) to grantee some many thousand views on your content. The more views you have the more likely you'll be making money. Consider, that if you have a well written app(with no bugs are first hand problems), and after that release of your app you advertise like a mad man online. There will be a ratio of every so thousand of people who see your video, and visit your web site, may take it to the next level of going to the app store, and buying the app.

If your app goes viral than you got it made. Just keep on making more apps, and release them under the same format.
Even if your app doesn't go viral, still as long as it's not something that is design to tick people off, then you should be able to make some money off of it. Usually, the more you advertise on something the higher of chances of it paying off.

So 1000 apps = 900.00 dollars is not likely. Unless your apps don't even run after you buy them. Even the most lamest apps sell something. But when I think about making apps for the iphone or android, I think about what the consumer is most likely going to download, play, and enjoy playing with. I think about ways to advertise, and with any money that comes in, I figure out what is the next thing to do, in order to make more money. I will not stop until I'm over 2 million in cash within my accounts. Then I be thinking of which island am I going to buy.

Have a nice day. Sorry for the eye bleeder. :lol:

Re: Using GE for the Android platform?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:49 pm
by Clokio
Hello world with Android.

Code: Select all
package com.example.helloandroid;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;
public class HelloAndroid extends Activity
   /** Called when the activity is first created. */
   @Override   public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
     TextView tv = new TextView(this);
      tv.setText("Hello, Android");

Now let's make a exporter for Android GE.

Re: Using GE for the Android platform?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:44 am
by schnellboot
it's not that easy lol

Re: Using GE for the Android platform?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:11 am
by Clokio
schnellboot wrote:it's not that easy lol

Probably. But there is alot of games out there, they did it a way or another.
Here is the API.