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a question about a torch

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 4:27 pm
by mr-game
ok here goes
ive got a game im working on and you look down on every thing just to give you an idea of what type of game
and your a police officer in the prison and everyones turned into zombie so your walking around with a handgun and a torch on the end of it and it ( a transparentish yellow actor)
but if can shine through walls and i was wondering is there a way i can make it not shine through the wall so as it hits the wall it only shines on the side your on

PostPosted: Mon May 21, 2007 4:43 pm
by d-soldier
By "torch" do you mean torch, or flashlight? (You profile location doesn't say where your from...) The answer will depend on how you intend to setup your level. More then likely you will use a sprite (big white ball/beam) with transparency applied to act as your light... To prevent the actor from going through the wall (which you really cant using a sprite in this manor without seriously compromising it's practical movement) I would try having a "ceiling tile" actor that you can place above the walls. With a high z-depth (higher then the light) it would cover up whats behind the walls.. you would of course have to develope the map in such a way to make this work (no rooms right next to eachother, etc...)