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Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:55 pm
by j2l
First of all a big THANK YOU to the developers for this move.
I'm brand new to ge and find it great. I made my choice on ge because it's free from A to Z and no coding to start. Now I realize it's free since just a few months. :D

So I just give a few impressions from a newbie perspective:
I thought 1.5 was under development and gave a try but since you cannot export your game (at least from Windows), files are not back compatible and you have annoying icon near texts I gave up and came back to 1.4 too.
1.5 beta must do, at least, the same as 1.4 (except if it's a rewrite).
I use Windows 8 64bits and I don't get the fuss about it, it's just windows 7 with a useless start panel I removed right away.
On Mac OS X 10.5.8 my little test game hangs for no reason and now I'll try on android, I guess there are some glitches calling for fresh blood.

It's a hard but promising move to go free and further more open source. You will definitely gain a community but I think a few more steps are needed to fully get the community coming:
First, you need to explain how to build from source and how to remove the splash screen, people will add your logo wherever they want. This way you'll get references bringing more cust... developers :)
You should explain your bold move to open source and put your donation button on the very first page of

You should also explain how to expand the software (through API?) cause people may, for instance, want to go html5+js (which is getting huge now).
Flash is obsolete (as stated by Adobe), it was really good and I used it since 1999 but now? You have WebGL, javascript, css3, html5 throwing browser based 3D FPS!

I think you should add an export (in a 1.4.1 version) to go "phonegap build" because your software is tailored for mobiles and tablets.

Sorry for the number of "you should", it's just that I wanted to share what I find great in ge and the potential I see for it :wink:
Thanks again

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:02 pm
by skydereign
j2l wrote:I thought 1.5 was under development and gave a try but since you cannot export your game (at least from Windows), files are not back compatible and you have annoying icon near texts I gave up and came back to 1.4 too.
1.5 beta must do, at least, the same as 1.4 (except if it's a rewrite).

Yeah, 1.5 at this point isn't really what people call beta. It's more of a late alpha, but very little progress has been made in the past year.

j2l wrote:I think you should add an export (in a 1.4.1 version) to go "phonegap build" because your software is tailored for mobiles and tablets.

This is currently the major problem. gE releases have been halted until 1.5 is released, which won't happen until the physics are done. I've tried advocating for further releases of 1.4, but makslane vetoed it. While I wouldn't say gE development is dead, if one looked using the past few months as a reference, they would definitely draw that conclusion. So while there are tons of things we'd like to do, none of them would be realistic at this point. Sadly, the lack of releases until 1.5 is a very large disincentive to develop for gE.

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 8:59 am
by j2l
OOOk, I see.
Thanks for this insight to clarify the situation.

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:11 pm
by DragonRift
The GE Logo is still in the binary version of the editor that I downloaded. Has anyone updated the binary release since the license change?

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:13 pm
by MrJolteon
No. There won't be any updates until 1.5, which won't be released anytime soon.

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:15 pm
by DragonRift
So this means that in 1.5, this logo will be removed?

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:16 pm
by MrJolteon

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:17 pm
by skydereign
DragonRift wrote:The GE Logo is still in the binary version of the editor that I downloaded. Has anyone updated the binary release since the license change?

For now if you want the logo removed, you have to send the game to makslane, and he'll remove it. It is a bit unfortunate, but due to repository problems makslane does not want to have any further updates to 1.4.

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 7:23 pm
by DragonRift
I have not released any games yet as I am still new to the environment and I am still learning how to use it however I have already been doing a test distributable. I was just under the impression that this logo would not have been there.

Not because of the Game Editor logo of giving credit but because people see the word "Editor" and then Credibility goes out the window in the Commercial Market.

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 1:02 am
by Jagmaster
DragonRift wrote:...people see the word "Editor" and then Credibility goes out the window in the Commercial Market.

This is exactly what I've felt for the last few years while I've used this software.

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:39 am
by DragonRift
I love the software with a passion since I started using it however the word "editor" is VERY bad marketing for a Developer.

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 4:55 am
by Hblade
I like the name though =) It's original and reminds you of that good ol' nostalgic feeling ya know? :D hmm, if it were renamed though, I wonder what it'd be called? GamePro maybe o.O? Or how about GameDev Ultimate or something?

Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 5:15 am
by DragonRift
I like the name too but I am more concerned about the marketing aspects as I am a commercial developer.

Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 9:21 am
by Behdadsoft
What I realized is that :
1 - splash screen has been removed.
2 - No need to buy a license for making game.Apart from the geplaye,gemac,...


But i don't understand, do we can make Commercial game and sell it?


Re: Game Editor license change

PostPosted: Tue May 14, 2013 3:59 pm
by Hblade
DragonRift wrote:I like the name too but I am more concerned about the marketing aspects as I am a commercial developer.

Agreed, I often thought similar things like how is one to find game-editor easily? Something like editor would be hard to find, I think I found it back in 2005/2006 lol while searching for some way to hack a game I think? Or by searching rpg editor xD