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Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V2.3/Acp and Damage shows in combat +_

PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:54 pm
by Lexcondran
uh thank you dude i was wondering if hblade would make me like 4 land textures
1:Blue land= Swamp land one
2:Green land=Just regular grass i have that so yes
3:Red Land=Lava area magma
4:Yellow land=Desert
5:Black land=Gray dead dirt stuff graveyard thing
i was thinking of adding 6th area for land of the light so
Water,Air,Fire,Earth,Dark,Light the six areas.
maybe make V5 and V6 items lol 6th boss would be unbeatable cause if its harder than the 5th than dang :mrgreen:

Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V2.3/Acp and Damage shows in combat +_

PostPosted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:13 am
by Lexcondran
Well Version 3.0 will be coming out pretty soon :D
I am sorry i havent been on in awhile but you know how it is got carried away with games
hmm 360 and Dofus lol and World of Warcraft
turned 18 as well as uh ? i forgot what to say lol :lol:
But have updated my other Rpg game i want to make for real systems.
ive worked hard alot to change a bunch of stuff about my game as well as improving some things
if anything what i need is a new inventory system lol .... its kind of bad
i was also going to add my newest menu ,Equipped items menu
as well as add 3 new things, Helmet, Chest Armor, Boots [Magic Defense//Ranged Defense//Speed] :twisted:
Awesome huh yeah and weapon skills can go up to Rank 5,
i forgot what it used to look like as the game has changed alot and still needs work to be about as good as that one guys
[winter blast hmm, Bee-Ant's awesome lol]

Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:26 am
by Lexcondran
Hmm WELLLLL this is the editable version the Application file is on the first post of this whole topic
i have made tons of changes to tons of stuff but also changed the graphics by a bunch
i still need help with Boost and Curse Spells since they dont work.
then maybe some other stuff that i will post about.

Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

PostPosted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 8:37 am
by Hblade
sweeeet :D

Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:14 am
by Lexcondran
Hblade wrote:sweeeet

umm thanks but yes i poted them with a few bugs iam now working on
also i dont have the password menu start thing or chests added yet
as well as Boost/Curse spells just plainly do nothing at all lol

Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:52 am
by Bee-Ant
I got Game Over screen in the 5th second of the battle :cry: :cry:
Nice anyway :D

Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:27 pm
by Lexcondran
Bee-Ant wrote:I got Game Over screen in the 5th second of the battle :cry: :cry:
Nice anyway :D

um did you fight the soldier cause your not suppose to i forgot to warn people lol
my new App file posted is changed has Chests/Start zone quest sort of thing
its on the first page as well as i know a uh secret about my game lol :D :lol:

Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

PostPosted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:29 pm
by Lexcondran
Yay um heres my most recent version with a few changes again but yeah
Chests as well as a starting quest i got about 3 wow so i need to make 4 more
but um Boost/Curse are still an issue on my list of things
dont know what to do next though

Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:29 am
by Tomplexthis

i actually made it to Version 5.0
but then game editor started wiggin out and crashing so i gave up
i never really went back or looked back as i got buried by my life
this game though, it was something fun i did on the sides

if only i could have become a bit more proffesional and made it truly greater

i still loved the concept though

the stat system and other parts could use some work, maybe
but i work so much now =[

i wonder if its time for a reboot, to kill some time again lol
but i'am like 23 now, i did this when i was like 16-18


Re: LexC's "Epic" Rpg/V3.0/Tons of changes made look it at

PostPosted: Sun Oct 11, 2015 5:34 am
by Tomplexthis
So, besides what happened between me and the G E crashing constantly back then
what happened was my ambition got in the way
some guy said he wanted to remove the whole mousing system i was using
i tried to make it less mousing and more keyboard, but ended up overburdening myself
the mouse was a way better use than the keyboard, and so it became a drag, i dont think i ever posted 5.0 because how messed up i made it

there was 6 lands though, fire desert forest cloud ice and the village
tiny little boxed in areas, quite interesting

the combat system was really weird
but the leveling is what i liked the most

i even added in a crafting system that was buggy and awkward, and shops
it was alot of hard work for such a ambitious little game

if only i could have overhauled it and finished it, no real story, just combat and killing monsters
there was like 1 quest, find the password xD

and 2 cheat codes for the password 1013 and 1012 which unlocked the 2 op characters

yuh epic