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PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 6:31 pm
by olly2000
That would be very usefull if we could choose the actor who's relative to the created actor. Just like in the Moveto event.I hope everybody understand. :|

Re: CreateActor

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:00 pm
by skydereign
Well you can set the CreateActor to create the actor to where an existing actor is, and relative to it. Set the [Relative to Creator] to no, and in the xy coordinates put the x and y of the actor you want it relative to.
Code: Select all
CreateActor("createdActor", "createdAnim", "(none)", "(none)", otherActor.x+xDisp, otherActor.y+yDisp, true);

So this creates createdActor relative to otherActor, setting of course the displacement to what you want it to be.

Re: CreateActor

PostPosted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 6:42 pm
by olly2000
Ho! I didn't know that.Thanks :D

Re: CreateActor

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:11 am
by olly2000
But when the created actor has a parent it does'nt work :( . It is normal?

Re: CreateActor

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:11 am
by DarkParadox
If the parent is set using the "parent:" option in the main area of the actor control menu, set that parent to "none", and on a create actor event, use change parent to whatever actor you need 【this is on the actor that you're creating】. Hope this works Image