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Limit to number of lines in Global Code\script window

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:10 pm
by Kodo
Hi Makslane, I was wondering if the next version of GE would extend the limit for the number of lines of code in a script window? It looks like there is a limit of 256 lines, and I just tried to paste in 1250 lines of code (level data in the form of a two dimensional array) only to find it throws an error because not all the code is read by the editor when adding :(

Re: Limit to number of lines in Global Code\script window

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:26 pm
by makslane
I don't know this llimit, but if you have problems, try use the file load button.

Re: Limit to number of lines in Global Code\script window

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:53 pm
by Kodo
The File Load button loads in the data ok, but I get the same error message when I click Add :( I'll post the error message below in a sec..

I'll also look at other ways to get the level data in. If I read in the data from a file it'll make it easier to edit the levels anyway :)

Re: Limit to number of lines in Global Code\script window

PostPosted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:00 pm
by Kodo
Oh, sorry Maksalane, it seems the problem was down to a typo in my code :oops: Thanks for the help though :)

Re: Limit to number of lines in Global Code\script window

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 10:05 pm
by Game A Gogo
the problem would be the copy/paste thing.
I had a script with over 600 lines, worked fine.