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This Forum is making me mad.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:32 am
by LucasA33
Its ok, Ill try doing this in my nicest manenrs, plese do not ban me mods, because, these are just my
Im sick and tired of my postes being ignored... Everybody get replys to thier game, but not mine... Im always
ignored, and Its just not working!
Im also sick of my topics being moved from game demos to game devoulpement... I mean come on!
Iv'e tried every thing! Post games as excuteables, and editables! Why is this?! I mean, come on, am I
this childish! If I am, I outta quit these forums! "ack ack" Sorry, gone a little crazy. But come on...
I love this forum, but its just to hard to make my games in a forum like this. I plan to and for a very
long time continue to devoulpe my games... But for petes sakes... Don't make it hard on me!
-Lucas Anderson

Re: This Forum is making me mad.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:29 am
by jimmynewguy
Pretty Long Read But it's worth it if your frustrated:

If your games are being ignored try standing out from the crowd and generating a new idea not yet used in GE or an idea with twists. Take more than one screen shot,some times this helps to display what the game is really like or go into detail in describing your game when you post it.

Upgrading people's ideas is good for learning basics, but if you want to have plenty of replies and good reviews, imagine,and create your own.

Steps to good game creation:

1. Try thinking of a story line on paper or note pad and then start by making the main character and all the abilities, weapons,ect. that you would like him/her/it to do.

2.Then start with the title, since it is hard to imply it after the game is started, make an intro sequence to watch and grab the players attention, but make it skipable so the player doesn't find it old after a while.

Look at this \/


It not only displays the title, but if you have ever played zelda it shows rolling hills in the background which you see in the first "world" or location you visit. So make your titles interesting and apply to the game

3.After your story is set, and your title screen grabs attention start applying your main character ideas to sprites.

4.If you didn't allready while making your story line plan out the different places your character will travel to and make tile
sets for all the different places. Kind of like the different worlds in super mario.

5.This is probably one of the hardest steps....making enemies. Start off again in note pad making enemies go along with the story and how the main character acts. If your character will learn a fire ability make it where an ice enemy only is hurt by the fire ect. Don't plan too simple of enemies or else they will lose the players attention, have some shoot, others attack with swords, some fly, others change attacks based on the distance from the player, be creative.

6.Again transfer your ideas from the notepad into sprites, don't rush you want them to look just as good as the main character.

7.If you want to you can start with notepad, but these should be thought of pretty easily...Pickups and powerups just simple score raisers and ability gainers your player may find then draw the sprites for those as well. Staying with me? :lol:

8.At this point the only thing you should have in your .ged is the title screen right? Good. No start adding the sprites for the main character into a player actor and make him come to life. Remeber try not to have moonwalking and to have health, the abilities, and everything else the character will do including the pickups he may find done BEFORE proceeding to the next step.

9. Start by programming your enemies. (Your almost to the best part) add the sprites to actors and get at least(if not all) the enemies for your first "world" your player will be visiting completed.

10. Then make the tilsets into actors like ground, background, and foreground. And change the z-depth accordingly.

11. Now take your story line and start mapping out the levels, make them vary, long, short, hard, easy, a boss battle maybe?
but dont forget to have checkpoints or a way to save.

12. Improvise and upgrade. Don't be afraid to remake something that doesn't work right, or add something like, water, traps, cutscenes, or anything else you may come by in that noggin of yours.

13. Demo. set up a small demo, or get testers to find glitches or bugs(ill gladly do any testing) and try to get people hooked on the subject and begging for the realese.

14. Publish your game on GE and wait for all the replies to come in! 8)


I hope this helped but in case it didn't here are some places you can visit:


FYI: Executables go into gamedevelopment, JUST executables in a zip or rar file.
GED's and data belong in game demos.


Still having trouble? Sorry i wasted your time......

Re: This Forum is making me mad.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 11:34 am
by makslane
Before post in the Game Demos make sure read the Forum Rules at:

BTW, LucasA33, your posts are always welcome!

Re: This Forum is making me mad.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:32 pm
by Troodon
Lucas, perhaps your topics doesn't look interesting or something? I don't remember seing them (since I'm on the forums just every now and then) but as Jimmy said you need to do something that looks interesting/creative/cool. Have you checked that you've got downloads for the games you've posted? If yes, then people haven't just wrote their opinions in your topics so you could bump by writing "20 downloads and still no reviews??". :D Also, are you using interesting titles instead of "TRY THIS" or "LOOK!!1"? :)

Btw, your name is Andersson. Talar du svenska?
Tai jotai muuta pohjoismaalaista kieltä?

Re: This Forum is making me mad.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:15 pm
by LucasA33
I know, its just kinda frustraing to see my post, well not getting replys. See, the thing is that other postes get bumped if they are repled to... Oh, and the Mother 3 Fan Club ive created from scratch... No help... Just my exploring... But thanks makslan... Ill try to be... Wait... Mother 3 Fanclub is all about creation! XD... You even get to create... Not as much, but the mother 3 fanclub , you can mae your own space ingame by dragging and the music. Well anyhoo, thanks for repkying! Bye, see ya when my next version comes out.