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Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2013 5:53 pm
by skydereign
Turon wrote:So if Fenix Cryptwell looks to cartoonish do you want a head like real person?

No, not at all. Currently though his face looks like could be in an actual cartoon instead of a dystopian society. In this game the main character needs to be quick witted, and is forced into many hard decisions. So while he definitely needs to be able to portray many emotions, I feel like we need to figure out a way to do it by making it grittier.

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:31 am
by Jagmaster
skydereign wrote:The model looks pretty awesome. The head I think needs a little work, he looks a little too cartoonish right now. But I look forward to seeing an animated version.

Thanks, I appreciate the input. And yeah, I agree the head is the weakest part. The hair is what I was specifically concerned about, but the head maybe looks to immature? I could do a number of things, such as alter the shape of the face, give subtleties like facial hair, change the shape of the eyes, etc. Also some better textures would make things grittier perhaps.

The thing is, I'd like to keep it simple, so important details don't get lost. I also just realized that I rendered him at almost double the resolution of the your first sketch. At a smaller size, details get even more lost, I almost considered removing his mouth entirely (as per your original concept art). Any other input/suggestions would be appreciated.

Half res-
Full res-

Nevertheless, I'll still cook up some walkcycles and whatnot to get the ball rolling. It should be pretty easy to swap out the head later on.
Are we going to have 360 degree aiming (or 45* increments etc)? If so, we should split the upper body and the lower body into two separate actors and in effect, separate animations.
Also, we could have a different sprite for each weapon, and parent it to the body actor as an overlay image, or we could have a separate character animation for each weapon option (I think when it comes down to this size, the latter option would have a smaller memory footprint).

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 8:14 am
by Turon
I see, is this game a Platformer or RPG? It seems to be a imotional game like some RPGs, but most complete
sprites and props indicate a Platformer. Is it something in between?

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:04 am
by skydereign
Turon wrote:I see, is this game a Platformer or RPG?

The game is a platformer, but it has plenty of rpg elements. It's more action oriented than a typical rpg though.

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:09 pm
by Jagmaster
I reworked the face a bit. Made the eyes smaller, squared up the chin, and gave him a 5 o-clock shadow.
Also made the outlines bolder, and the pants a darker/saturated.

And here's some quick walk and idle animations -
I started working on the aim animations, and so far have 90 degrees of motion I'll get the other 270 degrees later.

The quality took a hit when converting to gif, so here's a zip with the png renders.

I split the upper and lower body into separate anims, and saved them out, along with the composite.

More to come

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:36 pm
by lcl
Wow Jagmaster! Amazing work!
You've really learnt that 3D stuff very fast! :D

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:41 am
by Jagmaster
lcl wrote:Wow Jagmaster! Amazing work!
You've really learnt that 3D stuff very fast! :D

Hey, thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.
In spite of that, sometimes it seems to take forever to wrap one's had around 3D concepts. (but I still try!) :D

(Wow, haven't journeyed over to this thread in over a month lol)

With that said, I found some problems with the animations (not that they were meant to be perfect anyways), mainly with the split body/legs animations. I don't have a lot of time to fix it right now due to my work schedule, but I hope to get around to it once I get some time off. :)

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:41 pm
by happyjustbecause
Wow those animations look great, can't believe I missed out on commenting that when your first posted them. I really like the color scheme for him, the gold and dark red looks really good together. I can't wait to see more!

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 2:00 am
by GEuser
Sorry guys was unable to contribute because of a lot of IRL stuff so didn't have much time for gE. Won't be-able to do much now either.

Love the animation stuff done by Jagmaster though. pretty impressive!

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:30 pm
by Jagmaster
GEuser wrote:Sorry guys was unable to contribute because of a lot of IRL stuff so didn't have much time for gE. Won't be-able to do much now either.

That's too bad, I haven't really been doing much on this project either and I feel bad about that.
Actually I've been trying to learn unity3d for some of my personal projects, as well as wordpress and php for my website. And as a result, I haven't actually opened ge in a looong time.

Anyways, is anyone else still willing to work on this, or has it sort of fizzeld away to nothing?
I believe sky said something about needing more graphics artists to bear the load if this project is to be successful, and I couldn't agree more.

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 8:38 pm
by lcl
I'm still willing to program the dialog engine, and I'm pretty sure I could find time for programming some other things as well.

I'd also like to help graphic-wise, too, but I'm afraid my skills aren't eligible, at this point. I've been learning using Inkscape combined with Photoshop, and can do something, but
the most difficult thing for me is to get the objects to look neat, to have some textures in them. Guess I should try to find some other program that makes that part easier.

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:33 am
by skydereign
Jagmaster wrote:Anyways, is anyone else still willing to work on this, or has it sort of fizzeld away to nothing?

I won't be able to work on this for a few months as I have a lot of work going on right now (5 school game projects among other things...). After that though I still plan to get this forum project up and running. But we really do need art, and therefore more artists, to get this game going. I'll be able to do some of the art, but I'm a bit burned out right now as I've been having to do all the art assets for quite a few of my games recently.

Re: [Forum Project #1] Steam Run Design Document

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2014 2:30 pm
by Zeuh
If you guys are still working on this and need more artists, I can make some images(specially characters) if you want. Just PM me :).
