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Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:28 pm
by NightOfHorror
Helloo everyone. I think I may actually start a new 5 game project. It is based off of my childhood when I played with three of my friends. Most of us had imaginary worlds, but us four went far with it. In some ways, you can blame me for this. I introduced all them into my universe, and they created things off of it. We had fun, and had so many adventures. After talking to two of my three friends, and having some nostalgic talks, we decided it would be cool if I made a video game off of it. There was four main adventures I went on with them, and those would be the four seasons I have, and my friends' storylines are in it too. Of course, there was never a fit end to it, so we decided I should make a fifth game that ends it, so that will all come from my imagination. How do I go about this, I have no idea, but I will try to make this. This is probably way over my head, I haven't even finished part 1 of TTM, but that is because I couldn't. Wish me good luck. Of course I will accept any help.


Re: Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:57 pm
by lcl
Sounds great! With your imagination, I know that the story will be something great!
Have you thought about getting a graphics artist for you? There is plenty of graphics artists in the
world, and I bet that if you do the preparations (story, etc.) for the game properly, you will get someone to make
graphics for you! :)

Re: Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:46 am
by NightOfHorror
Well, I am making the game, my friends aren't even on Game editor, but, as for graphic artists, I have no idea how this would work but this is my idea for animation. Since me and my friends are in it, I was thinking we take a video of ourselves doing some movements like swinging a sword. Then I get a flash camera and flash take the video, after that, I delete whatever frames I don't need, and convert it in computer, then I scale it down to something like 16x16 or 32x32 by making it cartoony. last step is where I will need help on. The only problem is the people in the world, that aren't real, the imaginary friends/enemies. That is for the animation at least. Of course I should get artist for things like tiles and shading of course, but that is step 1 to me. Don't know how it'd work. I will try to keep it as close as to my world story as possible, same names, same everything, even if I thought of dumb names, ex. The demon king in season 2, my enemy, is named Thesaurus, I don't know why that popped in my mind when I named him, but that is what I am sticking with. Also, I have Killer, for season 1 enemy of me. If you want to help in any way, I will accept it, or if you want to know story-line, I will tell you it, it won't be exactly the same as I don't rememeber everything that happened, but I will stick with basic idea of each season. There may be tweaking here and there. This makes me excited to do. First though is the graphics. I am re-creating my imaginary universe! :D

Re: Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 12, 2013 5:26 am
by NightOfHorror
Okay, as I wait for a camera to start my plan, I have a few things to say. One, I am going to make all movement based on ours, seemed like the easiest thing to do, with some tweaking here and there. Also, if anyone wants to help convert realism into old time video game characters, be my guest. If you do, then I will make you a part of my game in some way. Right now, I should work on the script I guess.

Re: Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:38 pm
by NightOfHorror
I felt like saying a few things, first off I am sick, which is horrible. :cry:
My progress on this game is a staggering 0% :P.
What the heck, I just thought the other day the file limit was 100kb, because it wouldn't accept a pic over 2mb and not I am looking at it and it is 2mb, so it is official, I have gone crazy.
Thanks to all who read this. This game will start when I get some of the graphics done. :)

Re: Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:41 pm
by NightOfHorror
Okay, I am not crazy, still won't let me upload my 270 KB pic even though the limit is 2MB. Also, I have a file that is 90 something kb and then the webpage can't upload it due to maintance or Programming Error, so I am guessing that is why 2MB files won't upload either.

Re: Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 2:27 pm
by sonicforvergame
to put a more than 100 KIB picture What you can do IS

PUT the image in a zip file even if the image is more than 2mb or even more than 100 kib you will be able to uplod it. for example the image in this zip is more than 100 KIB.

Re: Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 27, 2013 8:48 pm
by NightOfHorror
I could, but I want it to show up on the game dev forum. In my opinion, pics make people notice things much more when they browse through topics.

Re: Actually going to start a new game!!!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:50 am
by JaroodaGames
sonicforvergame wrote:to put a more than 100 KIB picture What you can do IS

PUT the image in a zip file even if the image is more than 2mb or even more than 100 kib you will be able to uplod it. for example the image in this zip is more than 100 KIB.

Dropbox, bro.
This is the biggest image file in my dropbox; 50.1 MB.