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some new particle fx in your games

PostPosted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:30 pm
by themightymekon
Hi All,

You been needin some new particle fx in your games. I seeked and found.
I downed "haafs-game-engine or HGE" a long time ago. In it, is a particle effect tool. It is small and good, and also see, its font editor. I can use a screen recorder, to rip any of the fx in any of those below: - other things may interest you on this gamers page

I Gooogles "images: particle effects free windows program download" which gives plenty of what you need

Some are pay for, so be reading everything??

You can even find ready made free animations of explosions, lightning etc...
Use a screen recorder?? I tried Wink and you can set fraps at say 30 per second on timed save.
Then export that series of frames as HTML and it puts all the frames in an image subfolder. Handy?

I can share with you that I was very impressed at the results you can get in "Particle Illusions", or "Adobe After Effects", which are trial versions. I mean; C'mon !!! You gets what you pay for.

Also; consider using a free 3d animator studio like Blender, if your head can hold it. That can create a 3d cloud or fire, which you can swirl in 3d. Record that ani, and batch save the frames as I did before. Eh? Eh? :wink: :wink:

Good hunting, themightymekon

Re: some new particle fx in your games

PostPosted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:48 am
by themightymekon
Hi again,

As I said I use Wink for want of something else, to rip the frames into still images in batch. See this page, for some further options on how to convert to the still images :-

Feel free to slip me any of your particle fx tips, Guys :!:

Re: some new particle fx in your games

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:53 pm
by themightymekon
Hi All,

Also take a peek at :-

which, if nothing else, lists download url clicks for Wax and JParticle and Aerohawk Effects.
Aerohawk Effects is a powerful particle creation studio which I just tasted and pronounced... delicious! Use its Randomise button to get a range of good fx, then you can simply work out how to use the sliders to make the fx you are after getting. I don't know how you export, but you can use a screen recorder to save it as a movie. See my explanation above, of Wink , from the maker of Wax. :idea:


Re: some new particle fx in your games

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:52 pm
by themightymekon
Hi again,

I just downed this **just found it - UNTESTED"

From the description I would think it can do particle fx??

:P :?

Re: some new particle fx in your games

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 12:30 pm
by themightymekon
Hi All,

SourceForge is a good, trusted site for supplying all manner of free projects :-

:idea: :arrow: To save time when visually scanning these results [3 pages of them in sourceforge alone]. You can ignore words like optimization, language, system, library, as those are likely to need advanced programming skills. What remains will contain a few which provide a GUI player which you can play with and snap some effect from.

Here is a link which goes direct to the login page. This saves much time, if you mean to login to the forum :-

Right click then copy shortcut to your clipboard. Then you can turn it into a permanent link If you know how. Otherwise CTL+V to paste it into your Browser URL.
