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My Upcoming events :D

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 11:09 pm
by Hblade
Hi everyone. I would like to announce the exiting Upcoming Events I am going to do with GE.

For one, I'm enhancing the IntoWindow, It's been enhanced so much it makes all of the old IntoWindow's seem like a windows 98 VS a Windows 7 with ATI Radeon 5670HD and Intel core i7 :P. IntoWindow3 will also come with a game example, to show you how successful the window creation has become :D The game is titled Final Fantasy Example. The game is exiting and you have to find the evil monster Garanda before he destroys the world :P It features full RPG functions, and as amazing as this game example will be, (both in graphics and gameplay), it's just a small taste of the game I'm making now.

The Game I'm making, Legend of the Sacred Seed, takes place in futile times, when there wasn't really any technology. It starts off peacefull, but when Reine(Renameable), runs after Alaria(Renameable), who ran away from the village in search of someone (Not saying who, it'll spoil the begining), and ends up getting kidnapped by people wearing black. Reine tries to stop them, but ends up getting knocked out before he can save Alaria. What, or Who knocked him out? Well, you'll just have to see.

Why did they kidnap Alaria? You'll also have to find that out, I dont wanna spoil anything :).

I copyrighted Legend of the Sacred Seed already, although I have hardly any work done :P

What do you think? :D Sound exiting?

I'll release a LoSS Demo as soon as I'm done with the first chapter :D

The Game Controles

You know how in RPG Maker and regular RPG's, if you hold down a button it continues to go to the next selection untill you reach either the botom or the top? I found a way to do the same thing (yay :P) and it was like 1000 times easier then i thought it would be :D