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Re: gE Bug Hunt

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 3:29 pm
by Game A Gogo
The canvas will only register mouse click on visible areas. Think of transparent pixels on a canvas as not part of an actor.
This is useful for times when you only need collision to happen on drawn pixels and not just the square boundary, although for your use is problematic, try adding a filled region on top of it and send values towards the canvas.

Re: gE Bug Hunt

PostPosted: Tue Jan 17, 2012 7:25 pm
by Jagmaster
Thanks for your advise, I now see it as more of a feature now. :lol:

Re: gE Bug Hunt

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:34 am
by livens
Great thread! I read through all the posts and didn't spot the 2 bugs I have found:

1. In the script editor after I paste some code in, then when I try to type all of the text shifts to the left a character. The letters I am typing are not displayed, all of the text just shifts over left 1 space for every key I press. Adding, if in global, or OK'ing out and reopening fixes it. Only happens occasionally, and seems to happen more ofter when I use ctrl+v instead of left click and paste. I canno reproduce this error on demand.

2. This one is VERY annoying when dealing with a long page of script. Using the vertical scroll bar to get to where you want, entering the text pane and typing some code, then when you click on the scroll bar again it immediately scrolls the code up or down 10-15 lines really quick. Very disorientating. Its so annoying that on some Ive resorted to typing most of the code in notepad, pasting it back in and just fixing any errors there.



Re: gE Bug Hunt

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2012 3:03 am
by 247wkman
SOLUTION!? just jotting this down as a thought: if i can't have my actors carry a 'light' (that is to say an addivie light that can erase/create a transparency to occur within a canvas shading layer actor) then i could uses collision or proximity conditions to affect the transparncy of individual actors (which would be parented to the view actor.

so if an array of small actors were to cover the screen and become transparent by percentage pending proximity to any given light source it can simulate the effect with only limet being the size of the actors acting as the shadow layer- they would have to be small enough to allow lights to have a rounder halo, which means more actors needed but it shouldn't look too ugly- i figure it just be read as a style maybe.

Re: gE Bug Hunt

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:43 pm
by Kalladdolf

Flawed height / width values are returned for tiled actors. I haven't been able to nail down a concrete pattern of how and when it happens, but sometimes it just does.

Re: gE Bug Hunt

PostPosted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 2:55 am
by Zivouhr
Crash Bug
-Mainly with unsaved files (can happen with saved files), clicking to add a script, but not clicking immediate action or wait for frames (brings you back to the script editor), then adding the script will cause the game to crash.

-Sometimes when commenting large lines, the game crashes.

Yes, this one I experience the most in editor mode. And also it crashes if the game gets very large with graphics and crashes in game mode in the editor after testing the game about the fourth time and then pressing the esc (escape) button. The game exported though, it doesn't crash thankfully since the exported version is what counts in the end.