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Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 8:16 am
by Chai
Dear jimmynewguy:
thank you for your SDK link this is really helpful a lot. :D

Dear Ake:
The thing I would like to do is really simple. :D
It is run the game application made with GameEditor on the iPhone.

Until this moment, I tested and tried to put my game on the iPhone device.

I used both of geapp and geplayer when I tested, because I don't know which one I should use.
Then I have some problems like I said before,
such as valid certification[because I use my old certification] and IOS SDK4 [can not run and build].
Moreover, I tried to upload some file vai FTP also, but I can't because the page can't found.

At this moment I don't know how to put the game to iphone device for testing.

So, It would be great. If you do the tutorial for running the game which build with Game Editor on the iPhone device.
[If the tutorial have images that would be perfect.]

Best regards,

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2010 2:23 pm
by akr
Chai, great to see u here again!
Its important to be familiar with the xcode environment. At least a working apple developer subscription ($99) is required.
Furthermore you should be able to download and compile some hello worlds/ apple demos and run on your device.
Is this the case? If yes, we can continue. If no pls have a look at the apple documentation. Its really great:

When all this is setup and running, we can compile the geplayer for iphone. This is then just a click and build step.

As soon as geplayer is running, we can download a game.dat file to your iphone.

Lemme know.


Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:11 am
by Chai
Dear Aka:
Yes, I have the apple developer subscription. The link is my game that be sold on Itunes.

Eventhough, I can go thru with Game-Salad.
But, Going thru your procedure is still confusion to me.
I know that I must miss somewherer somesteps.

Maybe, I still cannot do without your tutorial.

P.S. Can you tell me more about sharing revenue? How can we process it?
Will you tranfer money to me after you receive money from apple?
So, that means, we will have a joined account, right ?

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:25 am
by akr

we are very happy to have a new iphone tutorial here from Alexandre:


Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 11:26 am
by akr
Regarding revenue split, you get the official apple report from itunes connect. This report lists in detail how many apps were sold in what time frame. Based on that the revenue transfer will be done.

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:27 am
by Chai
Dear Alexandre:
Thank you very much for your tutorial. This is really help me.

Dear Akr:
It is working and succeeded to build GE game with Xcode.
However, I have some problem and I would like to tell you.

I started with simple Hello world file with GE
then export as .DAT file for iPhone.

and I run geapp.xcode to open the xcode.

After the Xcode pop up I am following the steps of Alexandre's tutorial.




then press Buile
After successeded to built with Xcode. Xcode will auto install the geapp to the iPhone.
and run the game application.

However, the screen on the Iphone gone black and nothing happened for a while and it will automatic turn the application off. like the images below.

And the Xcode show this message. Debugging of "gameEditor iPhone Player" ended normally

in my opinion, It has some bugs and I don't know where it is.

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:55 pm
by akr
Chai, try to rename your game into either





Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:56 pm
by alexandrefredenucci
Chai if geapp.dat doesn't work
close xcode and restart xcode and build.. and if doesn't work again..
The best solution with xcode bug (like black screen) is delete the "Developer" folder in Macintosh HD, and then reinstall the iphone sdk (you can install the last sdk xcode_3.2.3_and_ios_sdk_4.0.2) then start geapp.xcodeproj and build, i have build my game in "Device - 4.0 Release" it's work

By the past i had the black screen bug when i change often the "Build Products Path" i dont know why xcode made this bug..

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 1:38 pm
by Chai
Dear akr:
It is working.
After I change the game.dat to be geapp.dat and press built in Xcode.
I can testing game on the iPhone.
Thank you.

Dear alexandrefredenucci:
After I change the name of DAT file. I can run my game on the iPhone.
The IOS SDK I used is IOS SDK3.2 and I think this sdk still good.
And good to know that It's work on SDK 4.

Thank you jimmynewguy: for shariong SDK links with us.
Thank you Alexandre: for making the tutorial.

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:55 pm
by akr
Chai, if you now use geplayer also you can upload your game.dat without having to recompile each time (via ftp) from any machine. Even windows.

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:13 pm
by Chai
Dear Aka:
* Problem sloved, Thank you Aka.

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 2:26 am
by CCJ
@Chai: From the FAQ I got the impression that if you have purchased the Pro license of GE and can compile/upload to the appstore on your own you don't have to split revenue with anyone. It's only those who either aren't Pro members or are working exclusively from Windows/Linux who have to split the revenue because the Game Editor admins will create the app for you from the .dat file. Obviously I could be completely wrong, but that's the way I understand it. Please correct me mods if I am wrong!

@Akr: Is the geplayer essentially just a tool for those wishing to test on-device without a Mac or without recompiling using geapp repeatedly (that's a darn handy tool I know, but the FTP session procedure sounded kind of frightening)? Furthermore, does geapp produce a completely standalone app already compiled with the .dat file content that can be loaded onto a device or uploaded to the appstore like any other xcode produced app, or does it do some interpreting of the .dat file at runtime? Apple is very strict with anything even resembling an interpreter so it would be nice to know just what geapp does...



Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:11 am
by Chai
Dear CCJ and Akr:

* Problem sloved, Thank you.
That is my misunderstood.

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:06 pm
by akr
Chai, once again your game looks awesome!!! You know that I am a fan of your gfx. :)

Re: Apple FAQ: iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mac HOWTO

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:56 am
by CCJ
@Chai and Akr:
Q: Can I create iPhone games on windows/linux?
A: If u are a GE pro user you will get a geplayer ready to install on your device from windows and we will publish your app on appstore. For all other users we will provide this as an additonal service. Here is the process:

1) Send me your device UDID as private message. Then we will compile a geplayer for u. This is important. You need to do realtime device tests.
2) Game-Editor will charge 50% of the app revenue generated after Apple charges.
3) You will get instructions what we need besides your ge datfile for appstore submission. Icon, Screenshots, app name, support url.....
4) We will take care of the apple review process.
5) We will provide u the apple app revenue report for money transfer.

This is the only mention of revenue share; why would there be any splitting at all if I have already purchased the GE Pro license and have access to an Intel Mac?

Also, my question about geapp's function still stands-- I'm concerned that if it does any interpreting at runtime or even leaves a GE footprint that is obvious to the Apple reviewers said reviewers will start rejecting GE-produced apps (for any reason or no reason at all).