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Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:37 am
by OmniArts
Things are starting to pick up around the gE forums with many games currently in development, I was thinking maybe it would be a good idea to create a VIP section on the forums for developers who have published/released a game with the engine. Eg. I'd love to release beta tests of my current game's to the game editor community, but for some of us, revealing our game in such a manner is not an option before release.. and thats where the VIP section comes in!

It could give the gE newbies something extra to work towards and a chance for the long standing members to talk business and code!

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:43 pm
by akr
This is a very good idea. Maks, your thoughts?

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:51 pm
by Bee-Ant
In this case, you need something to be able to enter the area?
I wonder if it would be some user group called "VIP member" or something...

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:36 pm
by zxcvbnm
Excellent idea Omni-arts !!! We would need a password of some sort . Your right more people are starting to come to game editor.

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:27 pm
by NightOfHorror
So i am confused. Are you saying a game you published for profit or iPhone, or whatever, or just a game that is completed, and I mean completed?

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:07 am
by OmniArts
thanks for you comments! In my opinion it would require a game published or at least 100% completed with gE, although a free game downloadable from your website can still be classified as published!

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 4:34 pm
Seem's like a good idea.

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:46 pm
by Kodo
Nice idea, but where do you draw the line? Anyone can knock up a game in an hour and post it on a website, surely that shouldn't count? It might be better if the VIP area was accessible by anyone that has paid for the Express or Professional license even if they haven't completed a game yet, it does at least show that they are seriously committed to GE! Just a thought :)

And Hi again to anyone that remembers me, I'm back!

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:25 am
by Bee-Ant
Welcome back Kodo... :D
I still remember you

If I'm not mistaken Skydereign said that the requirement is not only pusblished/finished games, but also prominent...
Well, in sum stars of GE maybe...
Only makslane can decide who.

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 1:36 am
by skydereign
Um.... kind of. I said that even people without published games could/should be allowed, as long as they frequent the forums, which would make them prominent (well known). We're kind of an exclusive group as it is, seeing as there are still only a small number of people on the forums.

I think the point of this area is not really to keep out users, but mainly have a controlled space for testing and similar. If we release a beta of Apalia or KK, we wouldn't want to put it somewhere anyone can get it. The use of a password, or needing to be part of a user group, would prevent non-gE users from getting it, as well as people joining gE to gain access to the games.

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 4:37 pm
by Kodo
I see what you mean that does sound a good idea. When I released my last game for testing I posted here asking if anyone was interested in testing it and asked them to email me. I uploaded the game to a password protected directory on my own web site and gave the people that emailed me (that I knew) the password details so they could download it. It would probably be simpler for many and probably result in more feedback if they could post to a secure area here and have peace of mind that not just anyone can get to the game. On the XNA forums you are required to create a single thread for each game you want tested and it works very well, if we kept it to one thread per game to keep it organized it would probably work really well too :)

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 9:49 pm
by zxcvbnm
Ok now I see this is turning into a problem. Of course everyone wants to join and in that case it wouldn't be a VIP forum. If someone is left out , then they would be upset. Also some of the older users that dont have a full game or iphone game will want in. I think the best way to go about this is this
Obviously the people who are making commercial games want to communicate with each other. I feel its best to have another website where commercial developers meet. That way nobody will feel upset or leftout. I can make the website look just like this one and will inform everyone of it. Just let me know what you decide.

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:53 pm
by DarkParadox
[skydereign] ... I said that even people without published games could/should be allowed, as long as they frequent the forums, which would make them prominent (well known). ...

I'm going to go along with this idea as well... because otherwise I wouldn't be able to join in on the fun Image (I mean, I am well known... right?Image). My lack of.. hm.. determination and my laziness makes sure I wouldn't get in if there wasn't that exception.
Other than that, I fully support this idea as it would definitely make a good area for beta testing and receiving detailed feedback among other things.

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2010 12:01 am
by Bee-Ant
@Kren: anyone who make commercial games only isn't enough...
Let's think...any new member could just make some commercial game if they want to. But can you guarantee their quality?
Well, i don't mean to judge who's good and who's not good.

Look DST, he hasn't made any commercial games so far...but he has made decent games. he has also helped the forum for long time and well known here. And i think he's qualified as VIP member.

Look Skydereign, he hasn't released any game (his own game), but since he's so helpful i think he's qualified as well.

OmniArts, Chai and you are new comers, but have made commercial games with impressive graphics. So of course qualified.

And about that upset thing...don't worry, I will be okay :D
As DarkParadox said, I'm happy just by supporting GE :D

Re: Forum Request - VIP area

PostPosted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:56 pm
by Bee-Ant
JUNIORGAMER wrote:I dont think the users who do not make commercial games would have anything in common

Does this mean that DarkParadox, DST, lcl, Hblade, DynamicDynasty, Camper1995, Turon, and the others don't have anything??? :wink: