Missing Functions In Program (Not Like ChangeAnimation)
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:57 am
Hello, I am wondering about my version of gameEditor, it seems I am missing certain functions. Things like recently opened games, I am missing for some reason. I can copy and paste code within gameEditor, but not from outside sources into gameEditor or vice-versa ( I'm not sure if you can even do this, but if not you should be able to). I can't use control+c to copy or control+p to paste. These simple functions would help make my experience a lot better. I use a mac, and maybe that has some contribution to the results I have. I downloaded gameEditor from the AppStore (Where I payed $10 dollars for it, I'm not sure why it had to be payed for there, but free on the site). And I tried downloading gE from the official website, but it only added recently opened projects, also it must run terminal while I have gameEditor open for some reason. Any ideas on how to help this problem?