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Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:15 pm
by AliceXIII
my presence here has been lacking, im just wondering if there's been any major changes to GE or the forums or well just new people with interesting ideas to watch out for?

i've been gone for quite awhile which is sad because this community needs people to help it grow thing being i could be one of the people to help it grow!

ehh i left because i got tired of the communities attitude toward innovative ideas no one supports truly great things with the burden left on a single developer, of course this is the perspective of a rambling old GE user..

im here again in hopes that maybe i can immerse myself in the community again im not sure what will come of it and whether i will.

to supersonic, hBlade, and GAG i miss all the programming we've done together those were great times :) especially hBlade's rpg engine to much fun there! although you never checked out where i took your engine to it's in a whole new place now you would like it i still enjoyed all the time and hope something like that could happen again :)

sincerely, AliceXIII

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 3:57 pm
by MrJolteon
Welcome back!
AliceXIII wrote:this community needs people to help it grow thing being i could be one of the people to help it grow!

We do indeed need people, this site is almost dead. Sure, we get a new member every now and then, but they usually don't post anything, ever. Sometimes it seems like I'm the most active person here.
A lot of once-active members eventually left, and this sucks. We need to do something to keep the current active members, and get new ones. I just don't know what.
ehh i left because i got tired of the communities attitude toward innovative ideas no one supports truly great things with the burden left on a single developer

I'd help if I knew how to program with C++.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:16 pm
by AliceXIII
We do indeed need people, this site is almost dead. Sure, we get a new member every now and then, but they usually don't post anything, ever. Sometimes it seems like I'm the most active person here.
A lot of once-active members eventually left, and this sucks. We need to do something to keep the current active members, and get new ones. I just don't know what.

hmm it's worse than before i left then :/ this place needs alot of stuff moreover a better community less negativity on team projects idk we'll just need to rough draft some ideas together see what i cant do just pm on this if your interested!

I'd help if I knew how to program with C++.

same here im not that good with c++ :) although i actually meant no one supports the innovative ideas made with GE people usually shoot it down saying it'll just be very hard rather than looking for a way to do it that's what hurts the community no one helps anyone try to achieve their ideas!

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 5:18 pm
by MrJolteon
AliceXIII wrote:same here im not that good with c++ :) although i actually meant no one supports the innovative ideas made with GE people usually shoot it down saying it'll just be very hard rather than looking for a way to do it that's what hurts the community no one helps anyone try to achieve their ideas!


Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:23 pm
by NightOfHorror
This site is dying. I mean we just lost somebody who was a three year old GE user. Alice, I am starting to get worried about this site. I wish I could help, but I can not. Any team project I try to start dies down because nobody wants to even if they are not busy. Sometimes I see former-busy forums not a post in days, sometimes weeks. Only two developers are working on Game Editor, and how much longer will they want to when barely anybody uses it. I suggest that we make a full length game, but nobody is around to do that, and even if we do, how do we spread the word about Game Editor. Also, less and less people are wanting to make games, and just want to play games. Unless we find what inspires people to make games, then this site will eventually even be less than what it is now.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 8:30 pm
by MrJolteon
NightOfHorror wrote:This site is dying.

I've been saying this for some time now.

I mean we just lost somebody who was a three year old GE user.

Losing an old member is always sad.

Alice, I am starting to get worried about this site.

You're not alone, I'm worried about the state of this site, and Game Editor in general.

. I wish I could help, but I can not. Any team project I try to start dies down because nobody wants to even if they are not busy.

This site got an incredibly high fail rate of team projects; 100%.

Sometimes I see former-busy forums not a post in days, sometimes weeks.

That's one of the saddest parts.

Only two developers are working on Game Editor, and how much longer will they want to when barely anybody uses it.

We need more members and developers. Now.

I suggest that we make a full length game, but nobody is around to do that,

*Cough*Bee-Ant*Cough* And also, I'll actually finish a game for once.

and even if we do, how do we spread the word about Game Editor.

Uploading the games to other websites.

Also, less and less people are wanting to make games, and just want to play games. Unless we find what inspires people to make games, then this site will eventually even be less than what it is now.

True. I won't allow this website to die after how long has it been now. I've been a part of this community for four years now, and have no plans of leaving. We can't let this website die, we need to attract more members. I just don't know how we can do that...

Please, Game Editor, don't die...

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:04 pm
by tzoli
I check the GE forum every day but I rarely post anything (mostly Pixelcraft and that one is rarely too because no one seems interested in it/no one is here to see it). I hope there will be more users in the community.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:07 pm
by MrJolteon
Just hoping for new members won't help.
We need to do something, but what?
The answer is;
Someone here needs to make something awesome and post it to a popular website for sharing free games.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:32 pm
by AliceXIII
Any team project I try to start dies down because nobody wants to even if they are not busy

mostly Pixelcraft and that one is rarely too because no one seems interested in it

^^ This is exactly why i stopped programming all together even in other languages, i became so frustrated with people being uninterested in everything and no one backing any ideas! sure you may have a game your developing at the time but you have no real scheduled time to release it you could help someone you know but instead every answer was thats difficult not impossible but difficult so you may as well try something easier, thats like saying here's a tool in which you can make your desired game but in no way expect any of us to help you realize your dream of making this game that to me was the biggest problem the forums had that and not enough tutorials we need more tutorials that start at a basic level and build up to a more advanced level with the end product being a complete game that would at least help alot of new people.

as for my part the first thing i'll do is help anyone that i can since im not developing a game currently i have alot of time to help anyone with questions!

as for a team project we need something thats not grand something easy to achieve for the first project you have to get the people involved used to working together and used to programming in your desired format thats the only way to gather interest in team projects!

night just bounce some ideas around come up with something simple and easy to achieve but thats not to simple a game ;) propose it to me and i'll personally help you program it even if i have to program it all :P just to get things started on that front i myself am interested in forming a dedicated team to develop the best games we can with GE.

anyways since there's more than one person with the same ideals as me an jolt then pm'ing me is useless just post ideas here as i'll be checking this daily :D

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:38 pm
by MrJolteon
Let's try to keep this from happening, everyone.
Made in like two minutes.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:45 pm
by AliceXIII
i hate to say this but the image looks cool although it's against what i want :)

im browsing around the forums to see what i missed out on now!

but what ideas do you have to prolong GE's life?

im throwing some around now..

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:48 pm
by MrJolteon
AliceXIII wrote:but what ideas do you have to prolong GE's life?

Advertise, by uploading great games to some website.
That's pretty much all I got.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:55 pm
by AliceXIII
well that is one way to get it going i would suggest getting a review here i know there's plenty of other sites as well just have to find them, that way when you post them on a site you get some reviews to help you out!

i've used gamejolt before i had at least 2 to 300 plays on my game from there their system on making money is quite low unless you get like a million plays or something just to throw that out there!

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:10 pm
by MrJolteon
AliceXIII wrote:i've used gamejolt before i had at least 2 to 300 plays on my game from there their system on making money is quite low unless you get like a million plays or something just to throw that out there!

Yeah, I've made like 12 cents, and I've had a total of 220 plays and 520 views on the two games I uploaded. Pretty slow, if you ask me.

Re: Have i returned?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 23, 2012 10:19 pm
by AliceXIII
they just dont have very good ad hookups to make alot themselves so they give you next to nothing i think it's actually like .01 cent for each view or something like that.

kongregate would be awesome to get on but they are biased to flash and unity3d games only cant uploading anything else unless thats changed im checking now!