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Re: Game Editor Benchmarking! :D

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:59 am
by JimJamJom56
Hblade wrote:Nice! 2500 on a pocket PC = amazing. You dont gotta worry about lag lol.

Actually it can now make it to about 5000. I had a few programs running when it got to 2500. :D

Re: Game Editor Benchmarking! :D

PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 7:28 am
by EvanBlack
I used this program to test the CPU load of create/destroy versus VisabilityState()

While changing the visability state has a minor effect on CPU load and increases FPS by 5 at 15,000 actors. At 18,000 actors my FPS dropped below 20 with actors set to visible. With actors Visibility set to disable, I was able to get another 2000 actors before my FPS dropped below 20.

But, creating and destroying actors halted FPS to a dead stop for a noticable period.

So I think this test can conclude that having actors instantaneously be created all at the same time is far worse that a gentler method I am going to try to build.

The method I am going to make will put actors onto a destroy array to have them be destroyed over time rather then all at once.