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? H-E-L-L-O ?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2005 5:29 am
by ingsan
I have a textActor called mytext. Instead of using TextInput (it's when it's there that you don't want it :oops: ), I want to write H-E-L-L-O by just clicking on my H-E-L-O buttons ( Four different actors ).

Any idea about the code :idea: Will mytext actor be a TextInput actor or not ? I'll ponder on it :idea:

PostPosted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:36 am
by Just4Fun
Hi Ingsan,
If I understand you correctly, you could do the following:
1. Create two Actors (mytext) and (button1)
2. Set up your text in mytext Actor (use space bar and make 5 or 6 spaces, also remember to set up your fonts)
3. In button1, use Mouse Down event -->script editor and add the following code:
strcpy(myactor.text,"Hello"); //copies Hello into myactor text on mouse down event.

* Don't use text input unless you want the user to type in some text.