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A Need For An Edit Path Feature

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 9:47 pm
by TheArenafrontTeam
We are currently making a side scroll shooter called Arena Front. For this game, it would be helpful if game editor had a feature to edit paths on the go instead of removing/re-adding the paths to edit them. Am I missing something or is this feature only available on the purchased version.

Re: A Need For An Edit Path Feature

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:39 pm
by makslane
In the current version you need to remove and add paths in the editor.

Re: A Need For An Edit Path Feature

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 10:51 pm
by TheArenafrontTeam
Did I not say that? My point was that this needs to be changed...

Re: A Need For An Edit Path Feature

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:22 pm
by MrJolteon
If you click and drag the yellow circles in a path, you can change the direction and if you drag the orange circle in a path, you can drag the whole path from where you made it to somewhere else, like in some kind of "pathbox" you create using actors that will never enter the view. By changing name and speed of path, that should be added yes.

Re: A Need For An Edit Path Feature

PostPosted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:38 pm
by DST
One way of editing path length/speed for paths that lead offscreen, is to make it longer than it needs to be, and have the last dot far away. Then you can always move that dot closer or farther, thus changing the length/speed of the visible part of the path. Especially good for shooting games where enemies fly past.