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Out boarder

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 9:10 am
by nightFall16
Q1: earlier this day i saw a member uploaded his game and he is using adfly shorten link
can i do like this because i've already have adfly account for other stuff and i need to earn some cash behind my created games
Q2: i'am creating a programe for calculating maximum moment and sheer force using 'c' programming language but the program is in cmd black window because i'am using cpp
compiler so i got the idea of making the program using game editor scripts and actor to get the nice look for the program and it worked for me but i found my self hitting a
very big problem and it's finding this variable value (the varibal "C") in this equation (Fc*B1*b*C=As*600((d-C)/c)) find C value
so how to find it using loops or what ever's my idea
int i;
for(i = 1;i<1000;i++)//the c value can never ever ever reach for 100
float right=Fc*B1*b*i;
float left = As*600((d-i)/i);
float comp = right - left;
if(comp == 0) C = i;
