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Indescript Error On Export...

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:27 am
by clm3s
I am running game editor on Windows XP. I keep getting an error that seems to happen whenever it wants to. My game plays fine in the editor but when I go to export an EXE file, I get a weird error message. Only part of the EXE is written and then Game Editor self terminates. Once this has happened, the game file in question is ruined. No matter what I do, re-boot, re-save or delete parts of the game, it keeps happening. I have probably got this message 50 seperate times and had to back track my game at least 12 time, re-building everything over again. The Hex numbers change everytime it happens and it doesn't matter what export EXE type you choose. Re-naming to a different EXE file does not work either.

What the heck does this mean???


Has anyone else run into this?


PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:50 am
by clm3s
I have rebuilt the game part by part and by process of elimination, this looks to be the problem. I think it has to do with the path of the sound file. At some point durning the export process, (in this case a PPC export), Game Editor is changing my audio path from:
Code: Select all
soundch1 = PlaySound2("F:\\Game Editor\\Space Game\\data\\rocket1.wav", 1.000000, 10000, 0.000000);

- to -

Code: Select all
soundch1 = PlaySound2("data/rocket1.wav", 1.000000, 10000, 0.000000);

This is the only thing that seems to make that error. If PlaySound2 is used. (Also, a weird detail, it will give you the error even if this line is "//" remarked out. It has to be deleted. Double weird is that game editor changes this line even if it's remarked out...)

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:51 am
by Fuzzy
The sound might be corrupted. try a different sound there, nameing it the same, and using the same folders

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:03 am
by clm3s
Nope, it's not. I check that too. I used a few WAV files and even used a VOC file for good measure. It forces the directory change and only does that dang violation exporting when I use PlaySound2.

WAV files work in the editor but it is useless to me if I can't play sound effects in a compiled EXE!!!!!!

Another side note: PlayMusic2 worked fine and it changed the path too.
Code: Select all
PlayMusic2("data/test1b.ogg", 1.000000, 1, MEDIUM_PRIORITY_MUSIC);

Man I wish it was just a corrupt WAV file... :(

RE-SIDE NOTE: It gives me the error even if the PlaySound2 is "//" remarked out! I take out the whole line of code and voiala, it works! Why the heck would a remarked line make a difference to Game Editor?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:44 pm
by makslane
There is a bug when export some wav files.
Can you send me this sound files?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 12:48 pm
by makslane
clm3s wrote:It gives me the error even if the PlaySound2 is "//" remarked out! I take out the whole line of code and voiala, it works! Why the heck would a remarked line make a difference to Game Editor?

Sorry for the inconvenience. There is a code that scan the scripts to get the needed files for exported version. This scan don't recognize the comments.