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Saving and loading Script help!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 1:36 pm
by toshiro
does any one know the script for saving and loading game data(including all actor positions) and can i make this happens the second time the game starts up. So what im saying is if someone plays the game, gets to a certain point and saves it, when they start up the game again it brings them right back to where the previously were. :? :?:

Re: Saving and loading Script help!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:37 pm
by DilloDude
You can't just save the entire state of a game. You have to decide which things are important to save, create variables to store them and save those variables, either by putting them in a save group and using saveVars, or by making your own script (which has advantages in that you can use more variable types).

Re: Saving and loading Script help!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:22 pm
by toshiro
Ok so i tried to wing it and find some other way to save and load but i just dont get the coding. Whats the code for saving a single actors postion? If i get that i can just build off of it. Also other than saving the position can you save other things like transpearancy, animation,or events that are disabled? Any help is greatly apriciated