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Concern about many rooms and memory footprint

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:01 pm
by EntropiaFox
Greetings here. :) First post here, please don't eat me alive. (I don't really taste that great)

Just a quick question, I've been lurking around for answers to my very first question when I opened GE and started to work with it a little bit, how do I add rooms? While I'm well aware there are several approaches to this issue, I'd like to ask about what is probably the least annoying for script-heavy games: Using activation regions to delimit rooms. From what I understand, everything inside the former region is destroyed when moving to another one (Which is why cloning is required to move the character and such), and as such, at a given moment, nothing BUT what pertains to the current region should be loaded, right? This concerns me a bit as I'll be working on a game with many, many rooms and I can see how things could get slow really fast. If this is false, guess I'll have no choice but to split the game in several geds and use the LoadGame method to switch between them. I read that someone is working on a system that loads levels from text files, which would be perfect, but until then, I think I'll have to deal with this. :P

Re: Concern about many rooms and memory footprint

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:58 am
by jimmynewguy
This is loading levels from a text file, welcome to the forums!